omg will this day never end!!!!

i'm just having the worst day today!

After stressing for 2 days because my period hasnt come I had to put myself through the torment of a home pregnancy test, which thankfully was negative, but now im stressing as to why it hasnt come then!!!

After losing my dream job last year and being moved to a different position with in the same company, I was informed today that further goverment cuts mean that that I could in 4 weeks be unemployed.

I have dropped my Iphone down the toilet and it is now well and truly fucked!!!!

And to top it off I have had a massive row with my husband who has all the sensitivity of a Rhino!

And before someone replies saying these are all trivial things and people have worse problems than these, I KNOW!!!!!! but right now I'm fucking GUTTED!!!!!!

aww hun, sorry to hear your having a bad day today and hope everything works out for you soon

Firstly, I don't think many people would say these a trivial things even IF they thought them, because they're big to you right now.

Where to start - I too am late on my period and really hoping its on its way soon. I've read someone else is late so wonder if there's something in the air?! Or maybe the world rotation has slowed down/sped up which has put us all out of sync.... Anyway, my theory is worrying about things and stress doesn't make it come either!

Really sorry to hear about the job thing too - must be awful. Will keep my fingers crossed it doesn't happen to you.

IPhone - do you have insurance / house insurance - I think dropping phone down toilet can be claimed for on your house insurance if you have the right contents cover but get on the phone to them sooner rather than later.

Blokes - have no f*cking idea and rush about like a bull in a china shop. Boys smell.

Big hugs x

iPhone - get a tupperware tub of uncooked rice and leave it in there overnight - it might just soak up some of the moisture.

So sorry to hear you're having such a hideous time; just take one thing at a time and you will get through it OK.

PS Stress can affect your period. Maybe just a symptom of all the other crap you're going through?

The most important thing re. the phone is to take the battery out ASAP. The best thing to wash the unit in is isopropyl alcohol. You can buy it from lots of places - for example. It's what is used to wash PCBs after assembly and components are, almost without exception, designed to be OK with it. Shake as much of the IPA out of the thing and then dry it out. Unfortunately touch LCD screens and their connectors/drive electronics are not the best at putting up with water but it has to be worth a try.

Yup, rip it apart as much as possible and try get the bits dried out (have heard the rice idea works great). And if it still doesn't work, chuck it at rhino-man to make yourself feel better. ;)

But yeah, definitely sounds like a candidate for stress-affected cycle If you're worried, book into your GP and at least get your mind put to rest: stressing more about it is only going to whap it more out of whack.

Anyway, big hugs, and hope things pick up. Certainly nothing trivial-sounding about all that pish, not great when things all come together like that. x

if you have been stressed recently and things are up in the air a bit, that could most likely be the reason why your period is late- mine was two weeks late when i started a new course at college once- guess your body adjusts to change. so don't worry about your period

just let the anger out! aaaaaaaaaaargh!