One for Jess, nipple piercing

Jess, as a trained piercer..

My Oh has made little hints that she'd love me to have one done as she reckons it would ..

1 give her a thrill to see/ play with it

2 be good for me ,as she reckons it would make mine more sensitive..

personally,as a guy I think #2 would be unlikely ,as guy's nipples aren't generally of any use,as opposed to a woman's.

I also, am worried , as I'm concerned about infection etc,as I had an ear piercing go bad in earlier life...

Thoughts anyone?

Hi bluebottle

I know you've adressed this thread to Jess, and clearly I'm not she, so I hope you don't mind me posting.

I had my nip pierced over 10 years ago had no problems ever with it.

In terms of sensitivity - I've always enjoyed nipple play way too much for a bloke (apparently!), and I get more sensation from the nipple I have pierced than the one that isn't. I like having my nips bit, twisted, pulled, yanked and generally abused, and always feel it more in the pierced one. Whether this is because its more sensitive or because it has a bar of metal running through it so gets sensations from more angles I don't know.

The only problem I have is that my clamps are more liable to ping off my pierced nipple than the non pierced one.

No, no problem at all thanks, let's see if \i get a few more answers.....

Here's a recent thread with lots of info :)

I got one of my nipples pierced a few weeks ago. Ive never had sensation in my nipples and still dont tbh. I have 9 piercings in total and my body rejects piercings very easily (4 had to be re-done and only 3 didn't have problems 1st time) but I am happy to report, no problems with mine, pretty much healed. It is one of the faster healing piercings. And my partner loves it!

Not a man! but id love my Oh to get his done, i find them very hot but his nipples are super sensitive anyway, so hes a little afraid to get them as it would be too much.

Ive had both mine done (now retired) and my healing/immune system is naff however saying that they were very finicky things but once they did settle they were fine.

Just as long as you bathe it (not over cleaning) and leave it alone until its "healed" it should be fine and if your over cautious like me take multi-vits.

I had both mine pierced 3 weeks ago and cleaned them twice a day with salt water, and have had no problems, very little pain and no swelling at all.

Am thinking of having mine done, can't decide between one or both (thoughts?).

The OH loves playing with my nipples and I know she would find it a massive turn on if I had it done.

I've had the both done for about 4 years now and love it when the OH plays them.

Would recommend it.

I had one done and liked it so much got the other one done 3 days later, once I realised there were no problems.

I say go for it, I completely love mine :)

Crickey... sounds painful to me too...... :/

Hey bluebottle87

Sorry for the delay in me getting back to you - I've been away from the office for a few days.

There is a huge amount of info on this thread on nipple piercings and aftercare -

As long as you follow the instructions here, you really won't need to worry about infection. Just keep it clean, without overcleaning, and don't fiddle with it!

A nipple piercing for a man is a little different than for a woman, purely because the nipple is a different shape and size. Everyone (male or female) will respond differently to a piercing, and could become more or less sensitive after being pierced. My ex had both of his pierced and he said that they were more sensitive after they were pierced, whereas other friends of mine say they notice no difference at all.

For a man the piercing goes a litte deeper, going through the Areola (the dark circle around your nipple) as opposed to through the actual nipple itself (simply because mens' nipples are usually smaller than womens'). As a result the bar sits just behind the nipple, making it less likely to catch on clothing etc. It can mean it's a bit sensitive for a while (whilst it heals) but this settles with time.

Always get pierced with a straight bar and follow the instructions in the other thread for cleaning etc. Aftercare is exactly the same for all nipple piercings. Also, ensure that your body piercer uses a sterile needle to pierce and uses sterilised titanium for the jewellery. (Bioplast, Blackline and TPFE are also acceptable, but Stainless Steel, Gold and Silver is NOT suitable for a new piercing and is more likely to give you problems)

One more note to add - don't compare your ear piercing to a nipple piercing. I would hazzard a guess that you had your ear done with a gun rather than a needle? Which probably means the jewellery was a butterfly back stud made from gold or silver - see this article to see why this is a problem for a piercing. If it had been pierced with a needle and jewellery as above, chances are with proper aftercare your ear would have healed with no problems :)

The APP (Association of Professional Piercers) is also full of a plethora of info on all piercings, but if you want to know more about guns vs the needle, check this link out.

Any other questions, please feel free to ask away!

Cheers Jess!