Oops, I did it again

I strayed away from the forums into the LH store. I followed a link from someones post, discovered the latest 3 for £10 and placed an order. I really shouldnt be allowed online without supervision!

Can't currently share as its all going towards my anniversary but, boy it's shaping up to be an enjoyable occasion 😆

I've just spent £65...

Its so easy to do! I might have to disable my paypal account just to resist temptaion.

It come from clicking through the fantastic lists of links that you guys post from your sessions. I get easily distracted by the pretty things...

I'm terrible for listing after things people link. My excuse is it's my birthday money and we need more toy wipes

It's very addictable! X

I'm pretty new to this, and the community, but can appreciate the temptations offered.

purchased our first "fun" toys less than a fortnight ago, and my wife has already put forward her demands for her upcoming birthday, all of which have come from the LH site.

who I am I to complain I guess :)


for 4 years, i'd be terible for purchasing stuff once or twice a week. this year though, i've really slowed down and purchase stuff perhaps once a month, if that. I save up for luxury toys now.

I got to bed last night and hubby said "there may be a parcel turning up this week" which is code for "I've been shopping again"! He's worse than me. It is an addiction. I think we need an addict's support thread.

Better hope its not on the floating bridge then...

Ha ha TD, we dont speak of the floating bridge...

may have bought something yesterday... waitng for the postie tomorrow..

Hardly buy now.

Disappointed is an understatement 🙁

I'm not particularly into role play/dressing up, but thought I'd treat hubby with a sexy secretary look. The outfit has arrived but i dont like it. Its going back 😭

Feel free to link exactly what you bought here Wight*goddess :)


Yep I just spent £50... after ordering 3 times last month haha...

Yep I spent £60 on 2 different orders bought some boxers for myself then the oh looked on the lh website and wanted some so it cost me for 2lots of delivery but never mind she ordered some proper sexy nickers, can't wait for her to model them for me 😋

I'm addicted every time I go on the site something takes my fancy for either myself or the oh,takes a lot of willpower to not keep ordering, we'll need a bigger draw for all our purchases soon