
Thank you all guys, you've really helped, with the advice, I'll certainly look into vitamins as it would really fit, especially as lately I've barely been outside or eaten anything requiring any cooking! And the counselling route. But also, your kind words have given me a massive boost, thank you so much for that x

Nothing much I can add to this which has not been said already.

Depression can be linked to many things, I am no doctor etc, but looking into vitamins will be a good idea, certainly if its connected with a hormonal imbalance, if so then that can be very awkward and be an emotional roller coaster.

My OH has social anxiety, I have constantly told him its the biggest lie ever, something set about through lack of self esteem and confidence. Assisting him gently has brought him out of his shell. (did not happen over night) The key is to be around people, break the cycle. Step closer to your fears, rather than away from them, or they will have more power over you.

The way your reacting under the belief your OH is cheating on you, can be connected to with a past experience or something you have experienced by some one close to you, I went through a phase of being worried about my OH cheating on me, but it was linked to self esteem and, insecurites connected to being bullied at school etc.

One step at a time, talk to your GP, look into some vitamins, even aromatherapy/massage. Look back (though dont live in the past) and see what things you enjoyed doing. Try and get into something healthy. Some type of creative media/subject. Art, drawing, reading, writing, something where you can express your self. Maybe keep a journal?


If you can afford it, get yourself a piece of fitness equipment (running machine, cross trainer or a like). It really does help.

I have PTSD, recovering and my weight had piled on. I got a cross trainer and do half an hour in the morning and evening and have noticed a major difference in my moods (for the better)

Lovebirds_x wrote:

Random but related, the not taking meds thing. Have you had your vitamin levels checked? I'm not trying to downplay your depression (been there myself since childhood) but given the time of year, getting your vitamin D levels in particular is a very good idea. I had a sudden downturn and was in a worse place that I had been in a long time last winter, turns out I had basically no Vitamin D in my body. The vitamins made a world of difference. Anything that could lift your mood could help you work through this and it's something Doctors very rarely acknowledge/check for unless asked (here anyway).

Good luck if you decide to go through with the counselling, I really hope it helps <3


I have been taking vitamin D tablets for the past two weeks (and they're not that expensive either), not for anything major mind you, just to beat the January blues. I don't know whether it's a placebo effect or not but I must say I feel totally different- so much happier and with far more energy. Maybe it's worth a try x

Oh and one more thing- then I'll shut up I promise ;)

Do you drink a lot of caffeine/eat a lot of sugar? Both of these don't help with anxiety levels. Same goes for booze. Maybe you could try taking a break from these for a bit? I'm doing it for January, and I have to say I feel a lot calmer. Just another idea!

(and I agree with Blueeyes about the exercise- definitely good for stress and anxiety.)

I have one cup of tea a day, all sugar free drinks and hardly ever touch alcohol, I think you're all on the ball tbh, excersise, vitamins and counselling but I may leave counselling till last option, tried it once hated it

what vitimins would you guys reccomend? im looking but dont really know what im looking for lol

thats brilliant, thanks SS x

Definitely agree with others excerise n counselling will help vits too.. I think in general with out other things everyones feeling a bit diwn with the lack of sun about etc ... I know I have to go outside daily I have horse which helps n their my release

Ive had counselling for many years in the past for many things inculding breavement which was 100 hard work but 100% worked wonders for me.... and active life too ...

thanks sassykitten i think i am abit down lately, about everything, and ive become really dependant on OH, I'm gonna get back to boxing in summer (cant while i live away) get some vitimins and councelling and just sort my self out in general, really want to lose weight before summer were doing penine way and were not nearly ready lol

Paranoia and worry are just part of what makes us human! Me and my boyfriend have been in a relationship for just under two years and it has been really difficult not overanalysing things! For example, we both have friends of the opposite sex, and this has made things a little complicated as I always worry that he's going to move on to someone else if I keep pushing him away by asking him things.

It's really impossible to control, as horrible as it is to say it... The only advice I'd have to offer on that front is trying to communicate with eachother better. Talking about your worries/thoughts in a way that doesn't sound like you are questioning his love for you or distrusting him.

I think being exposed to cheaters/players before you met your boyfriend has also played a role in this, as I experienced the same with my first partner who cheated on me, on my birthday. It can really affect your self-esteem in a hugely negative way!

I think that counselling is a really great thing, considering your situation- It will just give you some piece of mind and teach you methods of coping with this uncomprehendable feelings of paranoia you experience!

Best of luck!

Not much to add, other than sit down with him and explain that you're worried. By the sounds of it you think he could lie about cheating, since he lies in a joking manner sometimes?

If that's the case then explain, ask that he cuts back on lying in a joking manner as it makes you think these thoughts.

At the same time though, don't take it out on him or treat him as if he has cheated, since he hasn't and it'll probably annoy him.

Anyway, hope it gets sorted out :)