Penis Pumps Difference?

I tried a penis pump the other day, me and my Mrs seems to enjoy it but (embarrassingly) it was a little large for me at the entrance so was really trying to suck my cockring and ball bag up!

I’ve narrowed down to getting one of these two pumps. Apart from the total length and pump type. Are there any real differences? I’m mostly interested in the insertion hole size



I only have experience with this one.
The collection of rings make it easier for different sizes of manhood.
I think it’s better when I pump with this one that the models you selected.

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It nay be cheaper to just buy a new rubber seal rather than changing the whole pump?


I’m not too sure. I had tried the Tracy Cox one and think the nice rubber end that you insert into would be more costly to find a replacement slightly smaller one

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I agree with @rockstar - you can choose to modify the ones you got

The 1 I use is narrow and was painful getting it down over my penis as it tugged on my foreskin

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My bathmate has arrived! And I’m gonna do a progression blog
This is a blog I did totally unbiased using a bathmate, I did have good results, but you have to be in it for the long haul

I was play last night with mine it can be hard to stop your balls being pulled into the tube, so i gave up trying to stop it and allowed all my ball sack into the tube aswell sucking both felt pleasant have to say

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