Playful Ideas

Hello All!

With life, love and all it's complications seeming to take up more and more of my time these days, it's been more than a while since I last posted on these fine forums.

I've not been slacking in my absence, rather I've been working on a little idea that I thought I'd share/test here for the benefit/enjoyment of all.

A little background first - my partner and I have been together for a good number of years now. During our time together I've been trying to delve into her deeper more sordid thoughts for clues about desires, fantasies & fetishes. She is adamant she has none but I'm not convinced - I feel she either doesn't recognise she has them, is reluctant to confess them or doesn't know how to express to them.

I've been pondering for some time of a way to 'force' sexual topics into our conversations in a non-threatening way that would have us discuss them & explore them together. So, from the depths of my depravity I have dreamt up a random idea generator and have cobbled it together into a website that I offer here for comment, criticism, and free use of, to test before I put it to use myself:

The idea is, as a couple you both click to generate a 'Playful Idea'. You are then presented with one of over 300 suggestions to try, along with who should plan the session and when it should be. It's then up to you to decide if you happy with the concept, timeframe etc and make then to amke it happen or click again for an alternative.

Writing this makes it sound much more complicated than it is. If you are intrigued, follow the link to the site and have a play.

I'd really appreciate any feed back you have, especially if you decide to give it a go.

NB. The site is designed for a heterosexual couple but I see no reason why it wouldn't work for gay/lesbian pairings too - it's not designed to discriminate just my coding skills aren't up to much - couldn't work out how to have people enter there names so I went for a generic Him or Her instead - just decide who is the 'him' and who is the 'her' in the relationship before you play - Simples!

(Apologies for the somewhat tasteless banner that briefly appears at the top of each page - an annoyance to put up with from the webhost I've had to use because of the 'adult' nature of the site. I've done what I can to hide it while hoping I'm not in contravention of their Terms of Use. If anyone can recommend an alternative 'adult friendly' free webhost, please share).

Hope you enjoy,


Very nice idea, though might be improved by detecting whether the client is using JavaScript and warning them if they don't (I use NoScript, which by default prevents the page working).Perhaps default the text to "Your next Playful Idea should be Right Now, arranged by You, and should involve enabling JavaScript"...?

Also, you could save a page load by detecting a click on the heart and re-running a function to replace the content of div tags containing the varying bits - not essential, but if your provider has any kind of usage limits it'll at least delay the point at which you hit that limit.

Otherwise a really good idea, nicely done - though I'm still wary of the skinny-dipping suggestion (you do know it's only March?).

Yes Chef,

Thanks for the input. I'll investigate those coding suggestions. I'm still pretty new to javascript - once I know about a function I can usually work out how to use it - the hard bit for me is that I don't let have an appreciate of all the different options with javascript so can't link available functions to my particular needs yet.

Agreed, skinny-dipping in March is a sure-fired way to sends ones gentlemen parts deep undercover. The way I intend to use Playful Ideas is that, once the suggestion has been aired (ie skinny-dipping) if the concept excites you both, decide on a time when it will be practical and it will give you something to look forward to.


What a brilliant idea. I like it!

What a brilliant idea. I like it!

Oops, sorry about the double post.

Its great - even if you don't want to use it to the 'T' you can take suggestions you may not have though of before and try them out.

I'll be showing my OH later

What a lovely idea,keep up the good work

Thanks all for the encouragement - Pixie, do please let us all know how it goes!

Update - After a bit of head-scratching I've manage to implement the improvements suggested by YesChef above. The idea generator page no longer reloads each time you click the heart.

So now you can quickly click through the suggestions to get a better feel for the 'Ideas' included.

Also, many thanks to the first person who submitted an idea using the Contribute form on the site. It's proved to me the form works OK and I've already added the idea to the list.

Awesome, love it :)

Hehe, what a neat tool and great idea!
Where did you get some of those suggestions tho?!

How about on the starting page it could ask your names, so that it can use them instead of him / her perhaps?

PS if you want help hosting it without ads give me a shout, would be no bother. Email's in my profile.

What a wonderful site :) Very aesthetically pleasing and some nice suggestions. Thanks for taking the time!

You're welcome Arkadia

HotWings - some (most) of the suggestions came to me far to late at night and seemed like good ideas at the time so they stayed in. I'm sure not every suggestion is for everyone but I reckon the more 'perverted' amongst us would be able to twist any suggestion to suit their particular kink in one way or another ;-)

I wanted players to be able to enter their names when I first created the site it but, I'm a designer not a coder, and I couldn't work out how. I'm pleased to reveal now however, that after far too much time pondering it, I've managed to implement a name function after all with two simple lines of code! It's not quite as slick as I'd like it but it'll have to do - ideally I think the task requires using cookies but they've got me stumped right now so I'll gonna stick to eating them!

Thanks for the offer to host the site - I'll email you shortly to discuss the possibility

I like it... will be showing OH when he appears :D

Update - with thanks to HotWings, I'm pleased to announce that Playful Ideas can now be accessed free of tasteless host advertising at its very own website:

I plan to continue developing the idea but it may be a little while before any major additions appear. Any development thoughts, feedback or user experiences would be most welcome/helpful.
