Product models

Hello! Just a wee query really. I love the Lovehoney models, to me they look fantastic and seeing how amazing the plus sized women look tends to sway me to purchase the lingerie. When scrolling through the new section I noticed that the Seduce Me model for plus and standard doesn't look any different. Is this just my eyes playing tricks on me?

No, it's definitely the same photos and model.

I've noticed it happen a couple of times before and the plus size photos have appeared a couple of weeks later. I'd guess that the plus size samples weren't ready in time for the last photo shoot but the base size was. I'm sure they will take the plus size photos for them on their next shoot!

Thanks Nat. I thought I may have been imaging it 😘

Had noticed this too - thanks for explanation Nat xxx

NatandTom wrote:

No, it's definitely the same photos and model.

I've noticed it happen a couple of times before and the plus size photos have appeared a couple of weeks later. I'd guess that the plus size samples weren't ready in time for the last photo shoot but the base size was. I'm sure they will take the plus size photos for them on their next shoot!

This is exactly the reason :) 

Sometimes we don't get all of the samples in time for the photoshoot (for some reason it's usually plus size which doesnn't get here in time). 

Rather than hold back launching the plus size version, we go ahead and put it on the website with the base size model (as usually the design of the garment itself is identical) and then shoot it on our plus size model when it arrives. 

Thank you for confirming Jess. 😘