PS4 gamers

Hi folks

My brother is home on leave and has kindly broken my PS4 control (shock).

Where is the cheapest place to purchase one?

Also, what other decent games are there? I have assasin creed (pirate one), new battle field but looking to get some more games. I'm newish to the PS world and looking to delve in :)

Call of Duty ghosts is good, not a fan of Advanced Warfare myself, but they're good team games. And I'd think argos or game would be cheapest, or amazon if it is sold by amazon, if its by amazon, not off the marketplace, its full of faked ps3 ones, might be the same with ps4. As long as its an actual outlet it should be fine though.

The Last Of Us - Absolutely amazing!

Will put that on my list :)

I prefer racing games but recently getting into RPG games via the PS4 sharing options. Way too addictive, esp when in a bad mood and want to take it out on others :p

Hi Blueeyes,

For racing, I understand that Driveclub is now quite an amazing game to play after it's updates. When released it was basically broken so a lot of people got rid which, from what I can tell, is why the price dropped like it has.

GTA V is always a good game to pick-up.

Destiny - I'm not one for first person shooters, but I enjoyed this game, probably because it is quite easily a pick up and play for 20 minutes and then walk away for a while type of game. You can also easily lose a day playing it.

Assassins Creed Unity is currently 24.99 in a few places, so if you like AC games then now is the time to buy.

Tomb Raider - for me was an enjoyable experience, went on longer than expected, and looks good. A great play if you have previously played and enjoyed Uncharted games.

As for controllers - wow, they went back up to circa £50.00!??! They were selling at around £35.00 not too long back. Cashing in on Christmas. Found one at Simply games for £38.85 delivered. From what I can find quickly, this is the cheapest for a new controller.

What RPG's have you been playing? I really need a decent RPG to play, waiting for Final Fantasy Type - 0, even though it is a port of an old PSP game, it's meant to be a wonderfully put together game. - Just seen that potentially Final Fantasy X and X-2 HD Remaster are coming to PS4, if you are starting to enjoy PS4's, keep an eye out for that! That's my second favourite Final Fantasy Game.

I'm currently playing the new battlefield, which is good but playing live, idiots on my team keep killing me :(

Thanks for the advice, will take a look at those mentioned

Just bought my boy a Xbox One. He's 9. Think it's ridiculous that he can't play over 80% of the games for this console because of the violence that seems so inherent in the gaming world these days. The PS4 fared no better. Suppose at £50 a game it's not exactly marketed with kids in mind.

I recommend the crew for racing games i was lucky enough to be a beta tester for this and enjoyed playing it. Need for speed rivals is also a good one.

For a controller i would say amazon.

i think £50 a game is ridiculous and i have got many for roughly £40 which is reasonable and i say don't go to game as you can get the games alot cheaper elsewhere.

Thanks will look into them :)

The game prices are ridiculous, I got watch dog with my PS4, it's ok but I pretty much just kept crashing into things :p

I went to game and got the pirate assasians creed and battlefield for £25 each, in a sale.

With the PS3, I was more than happy to get 2nd hand games but didn't realize how much 2nd hand still costs for PS4 :( waiting for the jan sales to kick in and will get some more.

But I like the sharing option with the OS4, it means that if a friend has a ps4 and has games I do not, they can invite me to play their game, even if they are not playing it.

The Last of Us is the best console game I have ever played.
I'm heavily into Farcry4 at the moment, which looks great on the PS4.

Both highly recommended.

Another vote for The Last of Us. I think it's the best game I've played on any platform.

I'm playing Shadow of Mordor at the moment, which is pretty nice. Like a Middle Earth combination of the Assassin's Creed and the Batman: Arkham games.

I'm loving Far Cry 4 - not as much as the 3, but I'm only starting. Even though I'm playing on the PS3, I never buy consoles next to their release date. The games are still too expensive and there are not many to choose from.

But if you like a mixed game (shooting, open world, option of stealthiness or bang-bang, missions, a story - not great but Far Cry never has a nice story anyway) with stunning landscapes and cool stuff to do, I would get it without second thoughts. :3

Last of Us gets my vote. Im actually going through it slowly so I can savour every moment of it.

GTA V is a must just because its a great game.

Look out for Batman Arkham Knight this year it looks amaaaazing!

I was surprised today to find that a female work colleague in her late 30's to 40's was so into her PS4 and RPG. I had thought it was a male teenage nerdy thing. Shows how out of touch I am seeing the interest on the fora here as well. The way to a woman's heart is now via her avatar!

Destiny and Last of Us were very popular apparently. I'm now going to go off and (far) cry!

Yes the last of us it amazing!

I also like the cod games and my partner loves destiny :)

COD games are great but I only play them on line.

The last releases have not been that good though with MW3 the lad good version.

For an RPG and if you have a lot of time to invest I would go for Dragon Age Inquisition. I put in about 80 hours, finished the main quest but there was still a load to do. Just bought GTA5... I don't know why but I just don't like it. I liked vice city and have bought every single one since but just have not found them enjoyable.

Seems strange as the games haven't really changed much.