Pussy Pump

I’ve just ordered this toy and tried it out, but I can’t seem to get it working properly. It’s attaching ok, but then losing suction. Can anyone tell me what I’m doing wrong please?

Try putting a little lube around the edge of the cup and see if that helps, maybe your just not getting a good enough seal

I applied loads and still seems to be losing pressure.

Sugarlove75 wrote:

I’ve just ordered this toy and tried it out, but I can’t seem to get it working properly. It’s attaching ok, but then losing suction. Can anyone tell me what I’m doing wrong please?

Ideally you need to be smooth and use a little lube to help cause a seal, My OH gets best result from pumping for 20mins keeping the pressure comfortable by gradually pumping and then releasing the pressure for about 5mins, she repeats this for about 2 - 3 hours repositioning the pump if needed, she has even found that pumping in the bath gives even better result as the water helps plump up the pump area! Once you get it used to it you'll love the results! Enjoy

Have you made sure the pipes ends are pushed in far enough. Mine kept doing the same last time we used it, pushed the tube in until it locked into place

Test it on a table to see if it suctions. If so, then it works and I would suggest shaving to create smooth surface.