Quick question

For my two cents I agree with @Ian_Chimp , I don’t think adding additional reading would help and I’m not sure over simplifying it is a good thing.

I do think the addition of the video would be good as it breaks it up and does give the overview without the initial reading but honestly testing is a huge bonus and privilege, if people can’t manage to read through the guide then I’m not that hopeful that their review writing is going to be that great and informative. Obviously, people probably will miss or not fully take in a few details but that’s what the Sex Toy Tester - Chit-Chat is for.

I do think just having the link to the guide clearly posted everywhere is the most important thing.


The most common blocker is not having enough well written, honest and informative reviews, we normally look for people who have 7-10 of these. After that it comes down to whether or not I think an item is suitable for someone :slight_smile:


That does seem more reasonable than adding a blurb of duplicate text. Though it is still a distraction from the main info you want them to read (ie. the full OP), so there’s a chance that people will look at the infographic, and then not read further (plus the format would have to look good on desktop as well as mobile).

I think the video makes a great promo, but is superceded by information in the Guide. It’s also not a direct ‘guide-on-video’, so people can watch it and still not be fully informed (unlike reading the guide).

I think it would be useful to start with ‘how are people hearing about the Tester programme?’, and seeing if there’s a distinct and obvious link to the guide at that point of entry. Hopefully that will cut down on the emails (with the new Peitho addition at the top too).

As well as redirecting the LH site search for ‘sex toy testers’ to the current guide, you could also change the ‘sex toy testers’ link button in the red banner to the orange category colour of Testers to make it stand out more? Possibly even include an explainer of the Testing programme and a link to the Guide in a Discobot/welcome message?


I think that’s a good idea.

I remember joining the forum and reading all the testing information - it was very clear to me.

But a quick, simple, easy to read guide first would be ideal - then if people want to look more into it at the further information, they can.

From most of the questions that pop up in the forum, it’s clear that people just don’t read all the info properly.

Maybe if the tab for the info says something like ‘Do you want to be a sex toy tester?’ - to make people look at it?


The Testers category doesn’t currently show for me in the hamburger dropdown:

Maybe tweaking the header dropdown category count so they’re all visible might also help?


@Ian_Chimp I noticed that the ‘your photos’ was missing from mine - I think it’s because only 10 items will fit in the drop down list.
So at the top where is says ‘2 more…’ thays where the full list is.

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Yup. That’s right. :+1: But you can adjust how many are displayed in the menu itself by changing the header dropdown category count. Brenna has changed it now to allow more:

Hopefully that will make the #testers easier to find for some people. :crossed_fingers:


I remember back to when I first wanted to be involved with testing, and reading through the links I think I felt a little overwhelmed with it all.
As I’m typing this I see @Calie has mentioned what I was going to suggest - a Quick Start Guide that highlights the main bits and pieces in high level bullet point, what is needed to qualify as such and that it takes time.
Links to more in depth details and info at the end for people that want to be involved, making it clear that it needs to be read, and any questions to be asked through Sex Toy Tester - Chit-Chat where established testers can help guide you

Read through further and realized I’m not actually offering anything new, but I’ve typed it now so will post


So do we change it ourselves?
As mine still only shows 10

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If you do a ‘refresh’ on your page that should load up the new parameters. :+1:

Hang on, isn’t 10 the right number? It was only showing 9 in the first screenshot. There’s still one hidden for me, so it could be upped to 11?


Ahhh yes it’s sorted - I now have all 11 showing :+1:


You could add a link to the Guide in the hamburger menu itself. Maybe even include the photo one, and the welcome topic too? (though the photo guide is only visible to account-holders while it’s in #your-photos, so maybe a copy in a public category?)

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Behaviour change is often all about making things simple for people. And having an email address to ask a question is simpler than having the read a guide for some people.

I think a quick guide would help, pointing to where you can get answers or more information.

The infographic idea sounds good, visual information often helps people. And perhaps a checklist would make it clearer, eg:
:white_check_mark: Review at least seven products

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