Quick update

Sorry i havent been here much but had alot going on.
I was offered a contract at work with a slight pay rise(currently on my 4 week trial) and not sure if its good or bad.
Saving money like mad.

2 people paid me back some money (boosted my savings) and one who blocked me wants to chat this week about paying me what he owes me.

Got talking to a colleague at work who wants to help me improve my life etc and support me. Also turns out she likes me and is pretty experienced in bdsm :slightly_smiling_face:
(Just on way for our second mate date).

Im going to accept these things as positive improvements and hope they continue to work out.


That makes me happy @zombifiedguy hope things keep looking up for you! :crossed_fingers:t2::blush:


Great news, glad to hear things are looking more positive. :smiley_cat:


Congrats keep up the hard work it’ll all pay off in due time.


Glad you have some positivity back in your life @zombifiedguy enjoy your mate date :+1:

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Glad things are looking up for you! :slightly_smiling_face:


Glad to hear things are going better for you. Hope your have fun on your date :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

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It’s great that things are on the up for you. Have fun with your new friend :grinning:

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@zombifiedguy I’m made up for you really am.
Great news.


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Sounds like things are moving in the right direction. I’m so pleased for you. Well done.

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Sounds like the favours of luck have been shining down upon you in abundance :raised_hands:

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That sounds positive @zombifiedguy. So pleased that things are improving for you :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Yay @zombifiedguy that has made me smile.

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Im happy it made you all smile