Reaction to anal lube

Hi everyone, just wondered if anyone else has had a reaction to the Lovehoney Discover Anal Lube? I put a drop on my girlfriends bum and she had to clean it off as it stung! I've used it and never had this, had anybody else? Thanks

Is there a chance there was a small cut there? from earlier play? that may explain it, one of our flavoured lubes isn't as good with a similar issue, try a different one(lube) or retry after say a week?

We tend to use this for most things a good all rounder.

I have not used the Lovehoney lube although I find that lots of lubes sting during anal sex, it took me quite a while to find one that didnt


It gives me a tingly/burning reaction (which can feel like stinging) when I first apply it because of the aloe vera. If she has never used a lube with aloe vera in it before that could be worth considering.

Thank you very much for you're reply's. I think we will have a look at some different lubes, maybe something from the JO range which we use for vaginal play.

Yea, I get the same problem with some lubes, although not tried the LH discover lube. Silicone works best for me, don't get the burning with it.

Quiet ones are worse! wrote:

Is there a chance there was a small cut there? from earlier play? that may explain it, one of our flavoured lubes isn't as good with a similar issue, try a different one(lube) or retry after say a week?

We tend to use this for most things a good all rounder.

Everyone is different, what works for some people may not be the best and most comfy choice for others. This particular lube has left me with a bit of stinging and a mild case of UTI...

Try out different brands and various products to figure out what is your body most comfortable with...

I reacted to this lube when we bought it for anal it felt like it was burning so I bought the maximus lube which has been great x

Maximus is our lube of choice. It doesn't sting either of us at all.

Yes I agree this brand is a good consistency for anal much better than Glide which I find too thin, but I find it does stings slightly until I am used to it, am very new at this though.

I find a lot of lubes give an unpleasant stinging sensation. I'd shop around for a brand that suits as we all have different sensitivities to ingredients in them.