Romantic Gestures

Oooo just thought of something! this time of year if he is in bed before me he will warm up my side for me!


masterandslave wrote:

Awwww Nex and Columbus you've made me go all warm and fuzzy! That's exactly what I'm on about! How the hell did you find mince pies in april?!!! Amazing!

I love romance!!! Just need some more in my life!! In 8 years I get the odd soppy poem he's found on the net in a valentine card! Don't get me wrong we make each other laugh constantly and give each other presents etc, but it's a gesture I'm after!!! I'm an old fashioned lady! Will get dropping hints!


Greggs!! And my Mum located the last box of crappy crackers at the Pound shop. Pretty much everyone we pulled contained a yellow hat LOL

ExtraWrongMint wrote:

Ecksvie wrote:

ExtraWrongMint wrote:

Ecksvie wrote:

ExtraWrongMint wrote:

Ecksvie wrote:

Me and the OH had a talk about flowers and how we cant see the point in killing plants like that. I'd much rather have a plant that lasts that I can look at in days and weeks to come, and I told him I like cacti, so he might buy me one of those one day lol.

Will you care for that cactus, or will it die a slow death in the British climate?

I suck at looking after cacti, I'm never sure whether to water them or not!

You never "water" them like you would a flower (daffoldil or whatever). You occasionally spray them with a mist. And you give them plenty of sun. As long as the flowers are not wild flowers and they have been grown specifically for cutting, then get them I say. If you fly over the Scilly Isles in a helicopter, it is mostly covered with tulips. Pick up a bit of saffron while you're there.

My bedroom is north facing, so I'm kinda buggered there! :P

This cactus on the love honey blog would stay alive, as long as you bought it batteries:

lol, I was gutted to find that toy doesnt exist, doesnt it just look awesome?

I'm not into anal play so probably wouldnt use it because its got three prongs, but I'd love it because its cactus shaped lol.

Ecksvie wrote:

Rowan wrote:

I know flowers are very cliche, it's mostly the fact the hubby is the only man ever to buy me flowers (other than my dad after a particularly nasty exam). So it's only something HE gave me:) I don't often get roses, particularly not red ones, as I prefer bright and scented things or unusual ones that show thought. I was given 'grumpy but gorgeous' pyjamas at one point because I was being horrible and it completely broke the storm lol. Plants are more usual but it's him that likes them (so I bring home reduced plants). The only plants I can keep alive are orchids and food producing things.

My OH is the only person who buys me sex toys, so that works for me!

Likewise. I also wholeheartedly agree with it being the small gestures in daily life rather than infrequent large flamboyant ones. When Mr R proposed we were in a park by the river and I was sitting on a blimmin swing. :) I..I like night walks and moon/ stars, so we used to go walking at night. Have seen the sunrise a few times (not recommended in winter) but the things that stick tend to be the hugs, heating up beanbags unprompted, helping with dishes, taking out rubbish to save someone stairs, etc. My current 'thing' is to write a small section of story each night that he gets to read before anyone else checks or sees it (not erotic stories though)

masterandslave wrote:

Oooo just thought of something! this time of year if he is in bed before me he will warm up my side for me! External Media


Aww that's lovely! Elcano does that somtimes too.

When he proposed to me I thought it was a bit of an anti-climax (he knows I thought though External Media) because he'd been saying "I hope one day you'll be my wife" and the like ever since we met! He proposed after 7 months and I thought it was a bit random but friends have said they think it was romantic really. We were out for my friend's birthday and he planned to go home on the last bus at midnight before we went onto a club. He left then text saying he'd missed the bus so was starting the 20 minute walk back home. About 20 min after that text he suddenly walked back into the bar we were in and I was like "What's wrong? Why have you come back?". He sat down and said "I got halfway home then decided to come back because there's something I've got to ask you. I've been thinking about it the last few day; will you marry me?". I'd always thought he'd plan something really romantic and unusual and put a lot of thought into the proposal but someone said 'Ahh but that IS romantic! He had to come back and ask you!". A week later he got my engagement ring and then called me downstairs and he'd bought a bottle of champagne so we could toast the engagement External Media He wrote the date on the cork and inserted a coin in it for luck and we've kept it External Media

Oh yes Rowan, my OH takes me for late night walks to asda hehe! I love walking at night but can't go far and he loves walking for a reason so we compromise and go to asda

I kept a diary for WandA when we were long distance, wrote in it every single day even if it was something little....he loved it, said it was an insight into the things I thought about and I wrote it the way I speak so he could imagine me talking to him even when we were miles apart.


AdnaW wrote:

Oh yes Rowan, my OH takes me for late night walks to asda hehe! I love walking at night but can't go far and he loves walking for a reason so we compromise and go to asda External Media

I kept a diary for WandA when we were long distance, wrote in it every single day even if it was something little....he loved it, said it was an insight into the things I thought about and I wrote it the way I speak so he could imagine me talking to him even when we were miles apart.


I am smiling as I read this :) In a similar situation with the walking for now but come 'spring (that day in may) it shall be taken up again! I love the diary idea, so sweet :) (not in a patronising way but in a melt inside manner)

The diary made me smile. There's a possiblity I may have to take a job miles away if I'm offered one so that's a really lovely idea

I also think romance is about the little things that add up to a whole lotta love!

- My OH always holds my hand when we are out and about and I feel all loved and protected.

- He always knows when I'm upset and exactly how to say and do the right thing to make me smile.

- He is actually proud of my potty mouth and very dark sense of humour doesn't mind one bit that I look like a lady but say such horrendous things!

- He ALWAYS lets me cum first...and second ... and third before his turn!

- If I go out at night he stays up till I get back in and sends me little texts to make sure I'm safe.

- He includes me in his life, his hobbies and his interests which makes me feel important to him.


Romance is good! My daughter says I'm totally cheesey. I love buying my OH flowers, cooking for her, being attentive and all the stuff KP says above which is well said, good stuff.

I once (months before our holiday) pre booked a lovely restaurant in Barbados without her knowing, The Cliff, I arranged for a catamaran to pick us up on the beach of our hotel and we sailed around the coast to it! I was gobsmacked myself and I knew what was coming! LOL. Needless to say she will never forget it and niether will I, we may never be able to do it again. (I came into a bit of dosh that year! lol)

But. . . .my OH would say that the most romantic gesture I've ever done was last year I made her a valentines card. I'd wrote a poem about how we'd met which went upto that present day and what I wanted for the future and I got some baby pics of her from her mum without her knowing and some of me and done all kinds to it, it took me about a week!

Hats off to all you card makers!

SG69 x

I'm really lucky in that my OH is incredibly romantic, from the grand gestures right down to the little touches. There have been surprise trips to Paris and little bunches of hand picked flowers, the perfect book (that he just had to buy) and the proof reading of essays. He also sends romantic texts nd leaves little notes hidden around the house. If he's having the first shower (to let me have an extra 15 minutes in bed) he'll write something or draw something in the steam on the mirror so that when it re-steams when I shower the message is there.

Many of my romantic gestures are food based...I'll make his favourite meals, hand make sweets etc just to make him happy. But we never part without kissing and saying I love you, and always welcome each other the same way. We're always holding hands or cuddling when we're out and about.

Apparently we make our friends sick.

Fr33b1rd wrote:

. But we never part without kissing and saying I love you, and always welcome each other the same way. We're always holding hands or cuddling when we're out and about.

Apparently we make our friends sick.

These are the important thing in life. They're all just jealous girl External Media

SG69 x

SEXYGET 69 wrote:

Fr33b1rd wrote:

. But we never part without kissing and saying I love you, and always welcome each other the same way. We're always holding hands or cuddling when we're out and about.

Apparently we make our friends sick.

These are the important thing in life. They're all just jealous girl External Media

SG69 x

That's what we think. We must be doing something right 14 years together while some of them haven't managed longer than a month with any partner.

I think it's the small things that mean so much more. At Christmas my OH got me a stripy stocking to put all my pressents in. It might sound weird to you but to me the stripy stocking meant more to me than the gifts inside. I have a serious obsession with stripy socks, I love them, it doesn't matter what colour they are as long as they are stripy! The fact that he saw the stripy stocking and thought of me meant so much to me.

Avrielle_Aniko wrote:

I think the most romantic thing in the world is when you have "the talk" where you stay up all night not even thinking about getting into eachothers pants and just talk about the deepest things in your life together, then realise your late for work the next morning! That is a wonderful feeling of trust and care, to tell eachother your deepest secrets.

We had one of those conversations a few nights ago, it was wonderful and made me feel very loved, it was followed by amazing late night love making too! It's been lovely to have time off lately as we've been so busy the last 3 months we've barely had proper time for one another so now we're making the most of being off and making the most of each's making me appreciate all the little things he does for me every day too, even when we're both really busy!


One day I intend to do something wildly, expensively romantic like go to Paris for the weekend and stay in a beatiful hotel with a view of the Eiffel Tower. We'd see all the amazing sights in the day, have fabulous meals in the evening then make love all night in a huge fourposter bed with the shutters open so we could see the city light and feel the night air!

Oh to be rich!


One day, one day I will go here -

Anyone want to take me ?

JayGee wrote:

One day, one day I will go here -

Anyone want to take me External Media ?

Ooooh JG that looks amazing! I'd take you in a heartbeat but I think I know a certain someone else I'd have to compete with for the honour of accompanying you! External Media

The place I'd most like to stay is here:

The room I love costs about £5,500 per night which just seems ridiculous, I can't imagine ever having that much money never mind having that much spare money for ONE NIGHT! I'd want a room that does magic for that much money! Still, a girl can dream!


Kitty, I'd be happy to go to the Witchery with you - yes we girls can dream.

Bagsies if the Erotica 2010 trip happens, sharing with you

JayGee wrote:

Kitty, I'd be happy to go to the Witchery with you - yes we girls can dream.

Bagsies if the Erotica 2010 trip happens, sharing with youExternal Media

Done and done! I'm DEFINATELY going so even if everyone else bails we can tear up the town thelma and louise but without the bit at the end and with a lot more coresetry and cakes!
