Santa's round the corner

Christmas is nearly here!! Just finished all my gift shopping and wrapping everything up. But then I thought I’d ask around: what’s your favourite thing about the holidays?

Mine might seem strange, but my favourite bit is wrapping presents. It just feels crafty and fun, but also knowing I’m hiding a surprise that my friends/family will enjoy just makes me feel good.

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My kids’ faces when they open their presents and all the Christmas food :yum:


The turkey and alcohol for me lol


The kids opening the presents when they were little was by far the best thing about Christmas for me. Is not quite the same now they are teens.


Definitely the quality time and the excuse to do nothing but eat, drink and relax. That said I do love giving presents :gift:


Watching the grandkids and my wife opening their presents.


Having the family together really. I love Christmas in general though, so its hard to pick just one thing.
Getting all the decorations up is also fun. My mother and i buy or make a new xmas dec every year as a kind of tradition.
All the little family traditions are alot of fun. And carolling too.


Stuffing my face, in more ways than one :eggplant: :face_with_hand_over_mouth: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: food and alcohol. Spending quality time with family, and seeing the kids face’s light up when they open their presents.


My favourite thing is when everything’s back to normal and tidier looking…

When you can go into the supermarket for your weekly shop without hearing Slades…
“Itttttt’s Chrissssstmas” blasting out and putting you off your shopping…

Bah humbug an all…


Totally agree! Try working in those conditions! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Comments bang on @Pdm45 & @Saffron18 , same for me.
As kids get older its not quite the same magic as when they were in their early years which is a shame.
Love the food especially leftovers, and a cheeky beverage or 3 :wink::beers::champagne:


I dread Christmas Day, all the hostility that happens every year and ruins it for me :disappointed:


We need an anti-Christmas Club…i’ll be here Christmas Day, let’s have an anti-Christmas party! @Knight1119 @CurvyJilly and anyone else who isn’t too fussed about Christmas!


I don’t do Xmas. I like the lead up to the days, especially in the office as it is dead here and lots of booze and free lunches from suppliers. Can’t be with family again due to Covid so pretty quiet
Otherwise, can’t wait for it to be over…

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My older brother should join that party. He is the biggest scrooge about the whole season

Plenty of food and booze :joy:

Surprise OH with some sexy Christmas underwear on Christmas Eve :wink:

What I don’t like is how expensive Christmas is this year, with covid and businesses trying to rake profit back, feels like you don’t get much for your money.

For me it’s about being with my family and just our regular traditions of eating and drinking. Not really fussed about presents as I get older. A bottle of rum would be more than enough


The 27th!!! :+1::+1::+1::joy::joy: