Sex aftercare

Need to gain a little tip for sex aftercare.. me and my partner have been together 8 years and recently rediscovered our sexy side and now we are experimenting left, right and centre. This has involved some passionate rather rough sex which has caused some brusing and minor cut on the lady parts. I was wondering if there is anything further other than having a break before jumping back in the sack that I can use? We do plan to use some better lubricant as this was part of the problem but aftercare tips appreciated.


Lubrication is definitely something you shouldnt skimp on - other than that I am afraid time will heal all wounds...

Hi Lilacamy,

If you're unsure, the best thing to do would be to see a doctor or even a nurse.

Other than that, I think having a break is a very good idea and prehaps use it as an excuse to indulge your partner for a couple of weeks and then say he owes you!

When I've had genital piercings, they tell you to wear loose panties and comfy trousers for a few days - no tight jeans that'll rub.

I believe you can get some sensitive wash products that are designed to wash your lady-bits, maybe it's worth using something gentle to bathe in just til it heals?

Hope you're on the mend soon!


PS: Welcome!

other than the things that have been mentioned there's not much to do really. Ibuprophen may be useful if there's pain and swelling, but bathing in warm water and avoiding scented body products around the genitals is all that can be done.

Hi welcome to the forums.

Never had bruising from sex but after childbirth was advised to use a cold pack if I felt bruised or to bathe in warm water with normal table salt added to it. Might sting a bit but helped me.


Sudo cream works wonders!!!!

Warm salt baths also work a treat!!

Hello and welcome,

well, there are remedies, like some suggested, but the main thing is to wait. I was once bruised badly (in the beginning of my sex life) and all we could do was give me time to heal. I hope all will be well soon.

after i had my first baby the midwife used sterile dressings soaked in witch hazel (the clear, pure stuff, not the horrible cosmeticcy stuff) to sooth my sore bits. after i came home i kept a tub of new ones in the fridge. worked wonders.

Thanks for all the tips guys and the welcome :)

It is not overly bad, we just got a little carried away, shall be more prepared for the future and for the moment will be patient! Thanks again xx