Sex blogger & job applications - advice please

I was wondering if any of the Lovehoney users, particularly the sex bloggers out there, would have any thoughts or advice on this topic.

I recently became unemployed and I'm beginning the gruelling task of trying to get a job. There's not loads I'm qualified for in my local area, but a job involving comunications and marketing has been advertised.

I have some experience that fits the role from my education and previous jobs, however, one aspect that they see as an "essential" requirement is previous blog and social media work.

My dilema here is I have this experience from running my blog (link in bio if you're interested) and socail media pages attached to it, but this is not something I would usually advertise to a potential employer, it being extremely personal and places and just all about my experience putting vibrators in my vagina in others.

I feel like if they knew I had experience running a blog I would be more desireable to suit the role, but also they might just be put off hiring me completely if they know about my (private) obesession with sex toys and erotica.

If you were in this situation, what would you do? I think it would help me to hear other people's points of view on this, especially if you work for a business and are involved in employing people.

I suppose in your case since it's an essential requirement for this particular job, I would say you'd be more likely to lose the job over not showing you have the skills needed than lose it over them getting prudish over the adult content. I don't work for a business or employ people so I could be wrong, but I would say go for it and include it. Surely a decent employer should be looking at how well your blog is actually done and how you present it than what the content is, considering they're trying to judge your skills in running a blog/maintaining a social media presence, not what your personal interests are? It's not like you're doing anything illegal or immoral, sex toy/adult blogging is pretty popular these days!

I wouldn't think its the content they are intersted in . What they are looking for is how you interact with others.

I would think that you got nothing to lose if you won't get the job without mentioning your blog then best to mention it so they can see what you do. Even if you didn't get the job then you lost nothing either way if you did get the job because of seeing what you do with your blog then that is excellent.

Can you say you have a blog and the skills you use, you know like the 'buzz words' they are looking for. But not actually say what website it is. Just say it's a sexual health blog or something? If it's clear you know what you're talking about hopefully they won't need to see the proof.

Whilst I've mostly worked within the adult industry due to my blog, it has led me to work with health care professionals, holistic, a few other marketing companies, and even been linked with the local council.

Generally, they care very little about the blog and more about my knowledge in my area and how I work.

I'd say you'll just really have to judge for yourself if you want to share it and if the type of content style you write can be adapted to what they require.

Thanks everyone for your advice, i really appreciate it, its definitely helped me think more about this one.

Cant you just create another blog on a different subject seeing as you are experienced with blogging now ;)

I recently started a new blog on photography as that was my second hobby after sex lol :)

I'd say what you have, and you're happy to show them but feel that it might be better for evryone to give them the viewing if you should make it to the shortlist stage.

Its easy to explain this away in regards to wanting your site to remain in the status (in want of a better word) it is, and that you stand by everything you've written but that they need to trust that your capabilities match their criteria. Speak the speak, demonstrate that you know your way around, and be proud of your efforts, and explain that in your view, your blog won't reflect negetively on their business, only that your skills with the platform will give them what they are looking forward to.

I would definitely tell them that you have one, and I'd also tell them that it's sexual health related. I'd not offer to physically show the blog on the basis that the content is anonymous and personal. I'm sure they'll understand.

However, do be ready to provide the sort of info & figures they'd be interested in... how often is your blog updated, what channels do you promote it through, do you currently track how readers find your blog, how many hits per post/per month do you get, is it interactive in any way, and if it is, do you cater for regular readers requests for specific content, what technologies do you use to make your blog stand out from competitors, also consider 'opportunities' for your blog, do you currently/is there the potential for advertising revenue etc... even if if not all of the above is applicable to your blog, if you have answers ready, you're demonstrating you know your shizz. Always think the 4 Ps!

(Although I'm not currently working in the field, my background is advertising & marketing)

Thanks for the advice Sex Squid.

I wish the job was sexual health or adult product industry realated, that would make this whole thing a whole lot easier!

I mean, some of the things I've done on the blog are very relevent. For example my giveaways, the last on in particular, are basically just promotion for a certain company. I love being able to give away sex toys to people, but what it's mainly promoting the company and the blog. But at the end of the day, blogging is a hobby for me and I don't push for finanical benefits (like ad revenue).

I think I will mention it, but in vague terms (no link) as a sexual helath blog. If I make it to the interview stage they can ask me about it, hah.

Throbin, that would be a great idea if I the closing date for the job wasn't next week! Also I have no idea wha I would blog about.... food maybe?

Thanks everyone :)

I was just wondering what feedback you received from your application?

I've got a job interview involving marketing and communications on Tuesday. I was going to mention my student blogging.

I think it's really dependant on the company and role you are applying for, just remember it's always best to only contain vital information and nothing additional or irrelevant to the job!

I would just include that you do have your own blog however if they do ask, you can just mention it contains adult contact and is about sexual pleasure.

Lady Ness wrote:

Whilst I've mostly worked within the adult industry due to my blog, it has led me to work with health care professionals, holistic, a few other marketing companies, and even been linked with the local council.

Generally, they care very little about the blog and more about my knowledge in my area and how I work.

I'd say you'll just really have to judge for yourself if you want to share it and if the type of content style you write can be adapted to what they require.

Just found your blog, Lady Ness - really enjoying reading.... I may be there sometime! ![](upload://ez5kOkpKXRZOxjavAURYmQxVTau.gif)