Sex dictionary

Ok for a bit of fun I thought we could make up a sex dictionary.
First person starts at A and each person takes the next letter and gives a short definition of the word or phrase.. Try to pick a word that is sex related but maybe a term that not everyone would know .
Lets see how much we can educate each other.

So I will start

Anal Sex
When there's penetration or stimulation of another person's anus.

Anal sex

Boooooobs =P

Cunnilingus - Oral Sex in which the clit is usually stimulated by a tongue.


The act of multiple men ejaculating onto one persons face.

edit. Dam like 10 years too slow lol!

Fixed* (Unless someone posts now)

Anal Sex
When there's penetration or stimulation of another person's anus.


The act of multiple men ejaculating onto one persons face.

Cunnilingus - Oral Sex in which the clit is usually stimulated by a tongue.

D-Double penetration- When two holes are penetrated ie vagina and anus (or one hole is penetrated by two objects)

Erogenous - responsive spot to sexual stimulation

Fellatio - an act of oral stimulation of the penis

Gräfenberg Spot - an erogenous zone which, when stimulated, can lead to strong sexual arousal, powerful orgasms and female ejaculation.

Hard On - slang term for the male erection. This is the stiffening of the penis ready for sexual intercourse.

Gang bang - when one woman has sexual intercourse with several men at the same time. Usually involves vaginal, anal and oral sex simultaneously

When people who are related, like brothers and sisters, have sex with each other. Incest is illegal in the UK.

Jacking off

Slang term for masturbation, typically male.


Exercises for strengthening your pelvic floor muscles

Lyssophilia: fetish. Deriving arousal or sexual gratification from becoming angry or distressed. It is unresearched and therefore unclear as to whether this practice genuinely takes place.

Mastilagnia - Sexual pleasure derived from being whipped or from the desire to be whipped.

Nanophilia - Sexual attraction to short partners

Omnisexual - being attracted to all sexes, and to all forms of sexuality.

penis - male sex organ

pussy - female slang for vagina

Q-tipping is the insertion of ones member into another's ear cavity.