Sex Games - Looking for Feedback

Hi everyone!

Just looking for some ideas here....

If you could design a sex game for long distance teasing / foreplay, what would you include? 

When shopping for sex games in general, what do you look for? 

Whether you're in a long distance relationship or not, what do you and your partner do to spice things up when you're not together (eg sexting, naughty photos, love notes around the house etc)

Sex Games are designed make it easier for you and your lover to explore something new in a fun, no-pressure way. Do you think there are any areas of sex which are currently overlooked in the Sex Game category? What else would you like to see catered for? 



When shopping for sex games in general, what do you look for?

Just something lighthearted and fun, that will give us something to do and maybe some new ideas. For example we like Foreplay In A Row and Bedroom Vows.

Whether you're in a long distance relationship or not, what do you and your partner do to spice things up when you're not together (eg sexting, naughty photos, love notes around the house etc)

I am and we like to sext on occasion. I've sent him home with little IOU cards hidden somewhere amongst his stuff as that leaves him excited for his next visit.

Do you think there are any areas of sex which are currently overlooked in the Sex Game category? What else would you like to see catered for?

I think most games are aimed at straight couples, even though I fit into this category, it would be nice to see a game that any couple could play regardless of orientation. Maybe refer to the other player as 'them' or 'your partner' rather than he/she?

Stuck on the first question, I'll get back to you if I think of something!

I don't generally use sex games because a lot of them are so physical and I'm in a LD relationship, so this would be a brilliant idea!

I think generally we tend to use skype and spontaneous pictures to keep things going. We're both quite visual so I think that would be important for us in a sex game. Maybe something like a picture challenge? Sort of like excalating strip tease or even wearing certain coloured or styles of lingerie in the photos. I think for us it would need to be very visual. I suppose if people are into phone sex they could be verbal role play challenges or things of that nature. In terms of setting the challenges I like the idea of having a set of cards each or having to email or mail to your partner the scenario selected for them. It would add a level of spontaneity which would be a lot of fun. Obviously, nothing timed would work for us because scheduling long distance is practically impossible.

Using a sex game for sexting and photo sharing, which can be a mine field of nerves and pressure, would be great! Giving some new ideas for poses, lingerie, and even more graphic photos, videos and phone sex would be great. I'd definitely buy something like that.

My OH and I like to sext; long messages giving vivd detail of what we are immagining doing to each other at that moment.

Maybe any pro-dommes among us could give some ideas - a friend of mine who was into humilation used to see a domme who would set him challenges to prove his commitment to her. IIRC it was things along the lines of sending a picture of yourself using a toy like a plug, and progressed to photographic proof he was wearing lacy undies at work, to eventually having to wear nail varnish to work.

Sex games at long distances- These would have to be some sort of web based game whereby both of you could log in say using a mobile phone application . Conventional board or card games wouldn't work in this instance IMO.

Shopping for sex games what do you look for?._ Something to last an evening and have different levels of sexiness . We like playing board games after we come in from a night out so for us something you start fully dressed would be desirable for us. Then perhaps a slow stripping process as you play the game. I think its part of the fun when you remove an itme of clothing form your partner . I think drinks are essential as well to help relax and curb those nerves. As board game fanatics ( game testing one at the moment ) quality is an important factor. Manogoamy is one where perhaps quality exudes . Nothing worse than flimsy and badly worded cards. Lastly an important thing is extra cards should be made availaible to extend the longevity of a game. No thing worse that just playing a a game twice and then having to box it up due to its limitations.

When my partner is not around I will organise some lingerie and place it on her bed and sometimes leave sexy notes includoing sometimes in her work bag .

Sex games introduce new things ? - Yes they do and take the awkwardness out . For example if you both agreed spanking on a sex survy and not yet tried it out. It can be a little awkward in asking your partner for the first time to remove their clothes below the waist and asking them to bend over while you spank them . Card instructions remove this awkwardness and can add a little humour as well.This is because your are reading out an action and you partner I suppose feels obliged to obey that instruction. They are an excellent way of introducing new things. . You could design a game that has different categories eg vanilla ,bondage,roleplay,Anal etc etc. You can start off with say buying a core game with gentle things in it and the buy add on specialist decks who want to progress further in a certain field.. We are all different at end of the day. .

The main thing here is that you keep a game alive by supporting it by introducing new add ons .

Personally I think there is potential to bring out a market leading game to eclipse both Manogomy and Tie and Tease . Board games despite competition form PC games are having a healthy time at the moment .

What do I look for in a good sex game?

Gender Neutral Language - as in, cards and actions written in a way that they can be interpreted by ANYONE. Too many of the games i've played rely on the male/female set up for a couple. But we know that couples come in all shapes, sizes and genders. Too may 'specific' body parts are named - you can talk about the same areas but use neutral language.

Have different 'levels' of intensity. So you can start out soft and gentle, with the teasing before moving up to more intense levels of fun. But have it so the game can be played on either level, or the ability to mix them up.

That's it for me.

In the past we have bought games that can be played by more than 2. They are a great ice-breaker when enjoying fun nights with other couples and anything that can help with the nerves and get things started in that situation is always good.

If you could design a sex game for long distance teasing / foreplay, what would you include?

Hmm I'm not sure about designing a sex game. But if my oh was going on his travels I'd pack him a pair of my knickers, a naughty picture, a letter, his sleeve and some lube. 😂

When shopping for sex games in general, what do you look for?

Something fun, cheap and cheerful. We don't particularly like board games (we find they take too long)

Whether you're in a long distance relationship or not, what do you and your partner do to spice things up when you're not together (eg sexting, naughty photos, love notes around the house etc)

IOU cards, sexts and the occasional naughty pic.

Sex Games are designed make it easier for you and your lover to explore something new in a fun, no-pressure way. Do you think there are any areas of sex which are currently overlooked in the Sex Game category? What else would you like to see catered for?

There's not much choice for the 'medium kink' couple. We've found a lot are too subtle or too kinky. As others as mentioned a lot are gender focused.

I can't say that I've ever used sex games. Never had the chance/curouge/the right partner until now. Would definately give them a go, anything to spice things up!!
I suppose I would look for a game that would bring us closer together as a couple to learn new skills in the bedroom. I have always been the shy type but my partner brings out the little sexy mynx in me

Sorry Jess, I just had to...


How about an app that links two people (and prevents sharing). It could start with a survey of each persons limits and stuff they would be willing to try. Then there could follow any sort of game. Either competitive quizzes or puzzles where the loser gets a forfeit or the winner gets a treat. There could be a truth or dare section.
It could include photo messaging but with the ability to blur faces etc depending on trust levels. Even snakes and ladders would work with the right snake tasks and ladder benefits.

lmh95 wrote:


I like the idea of expansions packs as mentioned above being available to keep the game fresh, give you more options and ideas or make it more to your taste
e.g a bondage add on pack/ fantasy add on pack seasonal packs Christmas, Summer and Valentines, Birthday,Anniversary or a New Year pack so you can constantly add new bits to it over time.

I also really liked the idea of the safe in game interactive photo sharing and messaging and the boudoir/ glamour photo pose ideas.
Tips on how to get the best pictures, scene setting, lighting, props, hair, make-up and accessories would all be great.

These are very good ideas!

Another thing I wanted to add. We like games that have a bit of a compete edge where there is a defined winner and loser with the loser having to do a forfeit.and the winner takes it all. It's usually percentage wise quite equal between me and the Mrs .

era wrote:

Oh har har!!! 😜

This is sepcifically for long distance / when you're not together suggestions though 😉

Thanks everyone, keep 'em coming! I've just sent this thread over to the team who need the feedback so they'll be monitoring this thread for suggestions.