Sexy Food

Anything with melted chocolate!!!


I'm making Lentil soup at the moment for our lunch tomorrow. Probably run a quick loaf off too for some crusty bread and butter to go with it. It's energy boosting, also nice and light so you're not bloated for sex afterwards or it's good after sex to replenish the body.

So, I'll be posting in the when did you last have sex thread tomorrow! She's coming around for dinner

SG69 x

SEXYGET 69 wrote:

I'm making Lentil soup at the moment for our lunch tomorrow. Probably run a quick loaf off too for some crusty bread and butter to go with it. It's energy boosting, also nice and light so you're not bloated for sex afterwards or it's good after sex to replenish the body.

So, I'll be posting in the when did you last have sex thread tomorrow! She's coming around for dinnerExternal Media

SG69 x

Yummy, sounds nice!


Done something I haven't done for ages a few weeks ago to show someone how to make one for his lady. . .

A salad loaf! You get a nice medium sized crusty loaf and chop the top off and hollow it out (leave the walls about half inch thick). Brush olive oil all over the insides then start layering it from the bottom up. I used red peppers first then mozzerella, ham, lettuce then tomato. Then a layer of slightly burnt crispy bacon then start again and keep repeating till it's full. Put the lid back on and wrap very tightly in clingfilm, put into the fridge overnight.

When you take it out, slice it straight away and with the layering and colours it does look very sexy indeed!

You can obviously use whatever you fancy.

SG69 x

Sounds really yummy - do you have to pack it very tight so it doent fall out when you slice it?


masterandslave wrote:

Sounds really yummy - do you have to pack it very tight so it doent fall out when you slice it?


Yep M and S! Keep pressing it down as you go with the back of your hand or any other body part if you fancyExternal Media

SG69 x

I couldn't cook in the kitchen with my ex cos I'm an awful cook & he knows it. He'd always end up taking over :-s food u shouldn't have on a first date: burgers & long pasta e.g. Spaghetti - messy! Garlic - not good for my date but I love it. Pizza is not good for me cos I can never cut it & then send half of it flying across the table! Food that is sexy: strawberries, chocolate, cava... I'm hungry now :-( xxx

Do you think food is sensual and sexy? Food can be and often is very sensual here:) Gravy= edible manifestation of non-sexiness; brown splodgy, unsexy smell...yeuch! I enjoy cooking (especially for OH) and tend to collaborate on things like bread baking ..strong hands required for kneading and all that...;) For me it tends to be one of the ways I show care by investment of time/ effort in a way which is not directly sexy but can be.

Ice cream is definately top of the list as far as sensual foods go, agreement on all that licking! Strawberries are a classic. Any man who can cook is a godsend and the first romantic meal my OH cooked (having waited for the empty kitchen in student halls) was a fantastic carbonara! Due to a limitation on alcohol consumption I only drink good alcoholic beverages, and the offering of such is a generous gift, relaxing effect. Anything that clearly demonstrates thought or having noticed preferences etc is immediately more sensual! Nice port is one I've been given twice, heather cream (like baileys but nicer, less sickly), niche chocolates, handpicked things (lol). As possessive as I am of the kitchen the OH usually comes in because I'm in the one place long enough, and starts distracting me in the best way which is probably the main way the connection has been made. Discovered some things taste better rather burnt post-sex!

What's your favourite type of food? Probably cheese, chocolate or a good steak!..Lasagne may get a look in..

Does a romantic meal always get you in the mood? Yes, provided it doesn't leave us over-full which is counter productive

Know any fab sexy recipes? Home made body-paint, ice cream, actually spaghetti for some reason..probably all the sucking.. oh and tablet

Is the way to your heart through your stomach? Not particularly but it doesn't hurt

What about first date foods, any big no no's or ideal date foods? No-no=stew or curries; anything with gravy, sprouts or cabbage as a side. Ideals; pasta based things, hot bread with meting butter (bread fiend!), ANYTHING warm and chocolatey! cheesecake. Avoid clooty dumpling..very heavy and you wake up to find a giant man shaped mouse has fried half of it for breakfast in the morning!

I don't think that there are any sure-fire universally applicable aphrodisiacs, just from observation. Having dated only 2 men, the second of whom I married personal experience is limited in differing tastes. Long winded I know..begging your forgiveness..

Cucumbers are nice too (stop sniggering!) Cooling, refreshing, easy to decorate sleeping people with (like chocolate and yogurt) and easy to collect having thrown bits at someone and carried off to get just desesrts!

I'm liking you Rowan, good post. Foodieness is good! :-) SG69 x

Whether this makes me a perv or not (whoops, too late, already a perv), I think gravy is really sexy. :D

Lubyanka wrote:

Whether this makes me a perv or not (whoops, too late, already a perv), I think gravy is really sexy. :D

[insert terrible joke about baby gravy here] External Media


Rowan wrote:

What's your favourite type of food? Probably cheese, chocolate or a good steak!..Lasagne may get a look in..

What about first date foods, any big no no's or ideal date foods? No-no=stew or curries; anything with gravy, sprouts or cabbage as a side. Ideals; pasta based things, hot bread with meting butter (bread fiend!),

Woman after my own heart! I actually could live off just bread and cheese! My mother calls me "the carb queen" and my OH a "cheese monster"....I'm an addict!!

I'm not a good cook.....made pasta bake the other day to save the OH cooking after a busy day - you'd think pasta bake would be one of the easiest things ever to make, dried pasta, bottle of sauce, water and cheese....well it wasn't very nice, I took it out too early so the sauce wasn't thick enough and the pasta was still a little wasn't TOO bad, but it wasn't as nice as when OH makes it!

Luckily me and the OH share a love of anything spicy and I think spice is definately a sexy thing, all those tongue tingles...mmmm

Lucky me the OH is an AMAZING cook! I'm a kept woman, moved from my family home to my OH's home and always been cooked for External Media although I can feed myself if I need to!


Food can sometimes be sensual, but not in an 'I'd totally hit that chicken vindaloo' way, lol. But when someone cooks you something out of love that tastes delicious, I find that sexy. My favourite type of food is anything sweet! Yum, yum and more yum. I saw a recipe book online once for recipes with semen as an ingredient. Here's a link, in case anyone's interested:

Also, if you want to improve the taste of your cum (male or female) I've heard pineapple is good. I've yet to try this myself though, but it sounds a lot safer than those tablets out there that claim they'll improve your taste.

Lubyanka wrote:

Whether this makes me a perv or not (whoops, too late, already a perv), I think gravy is really sexy. :D

It has to be the right consistency tho! Lumpy is never good!


i get addiceted to weird food, whihc on their own arnt particuarly sexy but combining food i love with the people i love make them super special

im addicted to cinnamon, marmite, garlic, cheese, runny eggs, chocolate, soups and good old fashined stoge like mushy peas and meat pie.

Fluff! It's like the marshmallow inside a tunnocks tea cake in a jar.

I could HAPPILY lick that off of someone all day long...

Thanks SG!

Adna, to this day I have only made 2 pasta bakes since leaving the residential centre (now irrationally set against macaroni cheese ) Best rule is fling together whatever is in the fridge and the cupboard, necessity breeds yummy things and easy pleasing! Just put together some scones (I was peeved at a friend twisting my words and their refusal to apply logic). First time I've made 'em but much yummyness in hot scones! Need to get a naughty pinny for naked cooking! Any suggestions?

I agree with the spice being sexy, I just can't eat spicy things so unfortunately mostly it's herbs or 'spices' like ginger, nutmeg, paprika etc. Colourful food though is more stimulating to senses and some smells can be rather arousing. Very happy for you finding someone who keeps you and makes you happy Adna!

OH actually taught me to make bread which was fun; much like AA's description actually, guided hands and all that!

Pineapple does make cum taste good! Wee oranges work well too, bananas aren't very effective but generally balanced eating leaves it tasting pretty good anyway.

Peachy keen wrote:

Fluff! It's like the marshmallow inside a tunnocks tea cake in a jar.

I could HAPPILY lick that off of someone all day long...

It's amazing!! Veeeeery sticky though!I would have to keep that OUT of the bedroom.

sweetlove666 wrote:

i get addiceted to weird food, whihc on their own arnt particuarly sexy but combining food i love with the people i love make them super special

im addicted to cinnamon, marmite, garlic, cheese, runny eggs, chocolate, soups and good old fashined stoge like mushy peas and meat pie.

Cinnamon smells amazing! Don't often like marmite but I go through craving patches; carrots a couple of stretches, runny eggs are lovely, give me a man who can make the perfect soft boiled egg anyday! I like fresh peas better though, far more fun to play with from the pod!

I didn't like the pineapple trick! Didn't taste like my OH, was too sweet

We generally go by "balanced eating" like you say Rowan!
