Sexy time

Both random and scheduled. There’s usually sex with one of my female partners as soon as I wake up. With my husband when he gets home from work. With one or all of my partners before bed. I make it a point to not refuse my partners’ advances unless there’s a really pressing reason.

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Only timed it’s planned is when we can lol 4 kids in the house time is precious so it’s always a bonus if it’s in the day time in the week ! Normally just a opportunity that presents itself when possible

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With us got years it’s mainly be a Sunday evening but recently it’s been a bit more spontaneous. When we weren’t living with each other it was almost every time we saw each other.

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Both. When child-free, no-need-to-be-quiet time has been in short supply and we see a window coming up, one or other of us will say how much we’d like to take advantage of that opportunity. But spontaneous sex is great and we have plenty of that too.

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With our children it has to be a bit planned. If we ever get daytime house to ourselves then we break out the sex toys and kinks. Or two to three times a week once they’re asleep we have sex downstairs in the lounge if my wife is up for it.

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We have kids and very busy lives so we have to schedule a bit, but stop short of having set times.

So we might fancy a bit of fun and my wife might say ’ I have an easier day than normal tomorrow so I can get home for 6 and won’t be too burnt out from work’ and I’ll say ’ okay then let’s be really organised with dinner so we can all eat and get the kids up to bed on time’ ( or even half an hour early nasty mummy and daddy have been known to put clocks forward now and then to encourage the little darlings into bed!)

Of course stuff can go wrong but this gives us the best possible chance of a bit of fun being possible that night, kids out of the way and us not both too broken by our respective days. if we wait for a spontaneous night where we are both full of the joys of spring then it could be several weeks.

We manage it usually twice a week, sometimes 3 times.


We’re very spontaneous. Like right now wherever we are.

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