Small Black spots in male sex toy

Hi All, got myself a little worked up. I have a reusable tenga sex toy made from some sort of Elastomer. I went to have some bath time with it and after a bit of teasing went to readjust and looked in and noticed the smallest black dot on one of the nodules inside. It’s close ended so can’t be inverted so I’ve cut it in half to take a look and have spotted a few black pin prick dots. I obviously believe these to be some sort of mould from moisture trapped inside after the last use.

The question is should I be worried about myself after using a bit?

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I would expect that it wouldn’t even make a dent in your immune system. Any sort of contact would’ve been external or lube would’ve kept it away from your urethra.
Obvs nevt time, be a bit more mindful with your toys, even stick a tampon in it after you’ve dried it as best you can and that should draw out any leftover liquid :upside_down_face:

what an excellent tip!

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Thanks for the words of confidence, I can get a bit anxious with things like this.

Yes I try my best to clean and dry them. This one couldn’t be inverted so I guess that’s where I struggled. Though to be fair I’m a bit put off TPE toys now.

I’m not a fan of TPE myself. I prefer silicone its much easier to clean and it feels nicer too.

I’d not worry at all as long as you feel alright within yourself :slightly_smiling_face:

OT, but only sort of.

There was a young man from Rantoul
Who had little red spots on his tool.
Said the Dr, a cynic:
“Get out of my clinic!
Just wipe off the lipstick, you fool!”