So sleepy!

Well its Monday and it has been a very long weekend! I sooooo tired and sleepy, good ole caffiene is just not cutting the mustard....

Anyone got any tips for staying awake? Please help me!

While I was working nights shifts I took the advice of my colleague. I drank a coke to keep me going. I guess it's all the sugars as well as the caffeine. Perhaps that may help? Or some other energy drink?

I used to get really tired when I was on the injection and was forced to buy some caffeine pills. Don't think I actually used any though so I'm not sure how productive they'll be. They sell them at Spa, I think.

I am absolutely exhausted. I've been travelling for a couple of weeks now and could really do with a long, deep sleep.

I have chronic pain and fatigue which means I'm utterly exhausted most of the time.

I go through phases of "so-tired-it-physically-hurts", feeling so shattered I can't pick up my feet, see where I'm going or be aware of my surroundings. And it just builds up and up and up. I don't remember chunks of semesters due to it and I'm worried about hurting myself because I feel drunk almost when I'm really tired.

I don't advise trying caffeine or anything - sure you could take pro-plus, drink litres of coffee whatever but you'll just fuck up the next night's sleep and then rely on it the following day. Caffeine messes with your sleep!

When I really can't keep my eyes open I either - take a 20 minute nap (no more otherwise I drop into deep sleep and find it hard to wake again), if that's not possible I'll eat something and make myself cold by taking a layer off. Eating really helps for me. And keep well hydrated too.

Eat little and often and drink often and often!


*too illegal to mention*

Eating healthily really helps, rather than junk food too! I get tired really easily at the moment, but ive found in the past that when i eat 2-3 healthy meals a day I always felt better. Back to trying to remember to eat healthily again for me i think.

Thank you everyone! I decided to go upstairs t fix "something" in the server room, woke up an hour later! :-) best thing to fix tirdness == sleep!!

I get badly tired too and have to agree that eating usually does the trick to perk me up a little. I try to avoid naps because I just wake up feeling groggy and it makes me want to sleep for hours. Sometimes a little gentle exercise can help to energise you too, even though it's the last thing you feel like!

chipNroll wrote:

I get badly tired too and have to agree that eating usually does the trick to perk me up a little. I try to avoid naps because I just wake up feeling groggy and it makes me want to sleep for hours. Sometimes a little gentle exercise can help to energise you too, even though it's the last thing you feel like!

i agree with chipnroll excersiae does wake you up more most trainers will recomend excersiaing first thing in morning when you wake up as it invigoratyes you and gets the blood flowing quicker to the brain. tbh i never tried it yet seems like hard work and i do taekwondo lol

mountain dew.

it's so highly caffeinated that pregnant women arent allowed to drink it. *nods*




mountain dew.

chipNroll wrote:

I get badly tired too and have to agree that eating usually does the trick to perk me up a little. I try to avoid naps because I just wake up feeling groggy and it makes me want to sleep for hours. Sometimes a little gentle exercise can help to energise you too, even though it's the last thing you feel like!

Yes good point.

I aim not to snooze after 4pm because it's not good for the sleep that night and also only ever sleep in the day if I really need it (I've been sleep deprived long enough to know when I really need it).

Sometimes I have to nap in the day though otherwise I might aswell write the day off as a total fail in terms of productiveness.


I am really really shattered I don't know what to do with myself.

I've had a chemo session today so I feel horrendous and have the usual side effects, I also found out I have a chest infection and my boby is hurting from violent coughing, I took my sisters dog to the vet to have him put to sleep so feel bad about that, have a massive migraine and even a three hour snooze has not helped.

I can't eat so I am just gonna grab some pills and go back to sleep soon. My advice is, if your tired hit the sack !!!

Alicia D'amore wrote:

chipNroll wrote:

I get badly tired too and have to agree that eating usually does the trick to perk me up a little. I try to avoid naps because I just wake up feeling groggy and it makes me want to sleep for hours. Sometimes a little gentle exercise can help to energise you too, even though it's the last thing you feel like!

Yes good point.

I aim not to snooze after 4pm because it's not good for the sleep that night and also only ever sleep in the day if I really need it (I've been sleep deprived long enough to know when I really need it).

Sometimes I have to nap in the day though otherwise I might aswell write the day off as a total fail in terms of productiveness.


I try to avoid naps...but I'm not always successful lol. Sometimes if I'm home I can't keep my eyes open around 4pm and give in. But if noone/nothing wakes me then I'll end up sleeping until 8/9 and then the whole days schedule gets messed up. Some of my friends laugh at me when I say I'm going to have a quick nap before doing something because it makes me sound like a little old lady D:

LittleMiss1981UK wrote:

I am really really shattered I don't know what to do with myself.

I've had a chemo session today so I feel horrendous and have the usual side effects, I also found out I have a chest infection and my boby is hurting from violent coughing, I took my sisters dog to the vet to have him put to sleep so feel bad about that, have a massive migraine and even a three hour snooze has not helped.

I can't eat so I am just gonna grab some pills and go back to sleep soon. My advice is, if your tired hit the sack !!!

I think you deserve as much sleep as you want/need <3

i have EXACTLY the thing!

watch this:

you'll never sleep again.


^_^ yay!!

chipNroll wrote:

LittleMiss1981UK wrote:

I am really really shattered I don't know what to do with myself.

I've had a chemo session today so I feel horrendous and have the usual side effects, I also found out I have a chest infection and my boby is hurting from violent coughing, I took my sisters dog to the vet to have him put to sleep so feel bad about that, have a massive migraine and even a three hour snooze has not helped.

I can't eat so I am just gonna grab some pills and go back to sleep soon. My advice is, if your tired hit the sack !!!

I think you deserve as much sleep as you want/need <3

External Media

chipNroll wrote:

I try to avoid naps...but I'm not always successful lol. Sometimes if I'm home I can't keep my eyes open around 4pm and give in. But if noone/nothing wakes me then I'll end up sleeping until 8/9 and then the whole days schedule gets messed up. Some of my friends laugh at me when I say I'm going to have a quick nap before doing something because it makes me sound like a little old lady D:

Don't I know the feeling


I used to nap a lot, but then i went through a long period where with nightclub work and either school or early-morning hotel work, I didn't have enough time in the night for a decent sleep (often got none at all, or maybe an hour or two max), so I found it easier to have a wee top-up in between bouts of work/study/fun. Then when I became a crazy student and had a reg'lar-ish day schedule, but a mental night-life, a quick nap after lectures before hitting the pub meant that I could stay out late and still wake up bright for lectures the next day. Had only just got out of the habit of that when I got pregnant, and from then on was more about getting sleep when I could rather than sticking to a schedule, so naps were permissable again.

Don't do it so much now, just because I don't have time. If I've had a few bad nights though, I'll sometimes have an hour or two after the wee one goes down, then blow through the housework and go to bed a little later, since it's that or mooch around listlessly and go early with nothing done.

I find taht a good pick me up is Monster (as in the energy drink) its awesome

Ooh yeah! I used to get a cinema-sized bag of Skittles and dissolve them in a concoction that was one part Lucozade and two parts Jolt cola. That'd set me flying in the days before Red Bull.