Soooo a thing happened

Hello everyone again, hope you have all been well? So I haven’t been around for a week or so, but that’s because me and my SO decided to part ways. It was the hardest thing for us to do, and it is still a bit raw but I actually feel like a huge weight has been lifted from me.

Things had gotten so stressful between us and we just was barely seeing each other due to our current situation and I guess it took it’s toll a bit too much. We are still on good terms for the kids although we never had any together my 2 girls love him to bits and have grown up with him around, and his son I love like my own so I don’t want them to suffer, but going our separate ways is deffo the right choice for us. So I’m back now, a lot happier now things have settled and I’ve got my head clearer on where I’m going.

Anyways enough for me, have I missed anything? How is everyone? Gosh I’ve missed coming on the forum 🙈 its my guilty pleasure 😂😋

Welcome back, hope you find peace.

Welcome back to you 'Bunnybomb'! So sorry what you've been through the past week, but I totally admire your strong, tough decision (as a woman myself). You should be very proud of your decision and I can imagine it wasn't easy. It takes more guts to end a relationship, than stay in one where you are unhappy. Best wishes to you for everything that emerges from this situation, things will get better I can promise you x. Well done for your bravery sweetheart! 🌷🌈🍀

Well done Bunnybomb for deciding to move on and for making it happen. I think the fact you are already much happier shows it was the right decision.

Onwards and upwards!

Ooooh! That's hard. Well done both of you. It's such a hard decision to make, and I'm so pleased to hear you're parting on good terms and th kids will still be loved by both of you.

Do take things slowly as you move on into a new life. Wishing you every happiness

Welcome back, great that you’re feeling positive about the situation and are already getting the benefits of a clearer head. Shows you both made the right decision and it’s nice to hear everything ended on good terms. Onwards and upwards! 🙂

Welcome back I separated from my SO earlier this year. Possibly the hardest thing ever but it was the right thing to do. Sadly I don’t get to see the boys anymore because of 5he distance and my current low level of health. But I know what your going through. Stay strong x

Well done that takes real courage. We separated last autumn, it was a bit tough at first but it was the right thing to do. I happier now than I thought, onward and upwards.

BunnyBomb i feel sad for you as i knew he was a best friend and seemed to work well when you were together. But at least you have seen it as the right thing to do.

And Welcome Back![](upload://ez5kOkpKXRZOxjavAURYmQxVTau.gif)![](upload://4WyQT1gwKaQJNwhYxrKZ1rOPglF.gif)

Welcome back I do hope you will find peace and happiness. Lovely picture by the way. You should take more especially if your a stocking addict.

Sorry to hear bunnybomb, wishing you all the best.

Ending a relationship is tough - Glad to see that you're doing well and hope your spirits continue to lift. Nice to hear your and your SO are remaining friends.

Welcome back. Sorry to hear about your separation but it sounds like it was for the best. Much is the same except they have stolen the ‘social’ tab ![cheeky|20x20](upload://5BDs2y1gm13l2R58ovmAMxyNM3f.gif "cheeky")

hope me you continue to enjoy the forum

Lovely that you are back 'Bunnybomb'!

I've certainly missed you on here, as I'm sure many others have.

I was thinking of you very recently and hoping you'd be back soon. Glad you're in a bit better place and 'you will get there'.

Well done to you for taking the time to make the right decision for you and everyone.

Look forward to your contributions again on here.

BTW, lots of newbies have joined since you were away! There is also a Halloween shop on Lovehoney now, check it out. 😉 🎃

Best wishes to you 💐 🦋 🍁🍃