Sore vagina from sex

Do you use toys ?

My partner found out she was sensetive to latex and after using certain toys or sex with condoms felt sore .

We changed to all "non latex" toys and condoms and sorted the problem out

Hope you find a solution

I don't have any advice, but just wanted to send some hugs your way! :) x

LittleNugget wrote:

I purposely don't use soaps down there since getting thrush in the past. I also don't own a bath ;) but I guess I can see if it's what he uses.

Get him to use femfresh or something else that is vagina friendly. It turned out since my OH has stopped using his regular cheap shower gel down there and using my femfresh, it has kept me much more comfortable. Just a try. With regards to STIs, they can take a while to show so it is worth both of you getting tested again before ruling it out.

I can recommend fem fresh I use it myself, and used it on my face if I get a breakout ... win win

We'll both go for a full checkup to rule anything nasty out for definite.

We don't use condoms, and using them made no different. We do use toys but this occurred before we did too.

I do have sensitive skin and this is why I thought maybe my skin just literally can't take it and there's not much I can do (hope not).

I'll look into pH neutral soaps too thanks :)

It's not normal thing girl, maybe his penis is too big and your's is too tight... You both need to used to it. Well, sometimes it's an allergy too if your partner doesn't take bath or clean himself before making love..

If you are using lubricants with your toys or sex that can also be a culprit, I have found some that I am just too sensative to use. I really hope you find a solution and can enjoy sex more with your partner soon.

I personally have never experienced what you're describing, love! My vagina certainly is sore during my period so penetrative sex/masturbstion is out of the question, but once it's over I'm fine again the next day. I'd suggest going to visit your doc just to check in; if that doesn't work maybe you could try your partner going slower/more gentle and using a LOT more prep/lube. Honestly the fix depends on the situation. Good luck!

Another one who had recurrent thrush without knowing it - passed back and forth between us for months.

A visit to the GUM clinic stopped it for me. Apart from the cream and pessary the lovely lady doc gave me (and cream for my ex), she gave me the BEST advice ever: use lube on your tampons at the start/end/slow time of your period.

My periods were stop/start and I hated being caught out with a leak so I'd use tampons when my flow wasn't heavy. The result was recurring thrush as I was getting dry and irritated (even though I didn't feel it). When it developed with me, I was passing it to him and it all ended up in a vicious cycle.

Oddly enough, when I've taken antibiotics, I've always ended up with full-blown, unmistakeable thrush. I had no obvious symptoms with my "background" thrush, other than being sore during/after sex.

I was also using condoms at that time. When I went on the Pill, I discovered I'm allergic to semen. Another source of irritation that caused a nasty case of BV. Another trip to my lovely GUM lady doc sorted that out, too, and after a quick chat where it was decided I'd be better off going back to condoms until we started trying for a family. She also gave me a handful of non-latex condoms to try. What a revelation. Latex also irritates me. I don't (as yet) have a full-blown allergy to it, but have been told that it's likely if I keep using them. So non-latex it is.

There could be many things causing your irritation, or even a combination, but I'd definitely try the thrush cream and if you use tampons, try a smear or lube when inserting.

I joke to my husband that I'm sometimes 'allergic' to him as I get very itchy and sore sometimes after sex - whether using a condom or not. I'm quite prone to recurrent bouts of thrush, and my husband suffers too as he's diabetic, so if his sugars are too high, he gets a bout of thrush.

I do also think it's to do with the time of the month also, I'm fine just after a period or in the middle, but the week before is a nightmare, possibly pointing to something hormonal x