Strange facts about yourself

I’m colourblind


I developed this 2 years ago after being treated for eczema with light therapy. Before that I could sit in the sun all day and tan instantly without ever getting burnt :cry:
I think it’s called polymorphic light eruption- your hands and face are almost always exposed that’s why it can withstand the sun.


I learnt to ride this year during lockdown, i never thought I would but it was such a big achievement for me lol :bike:


I have lots of extra bones in my chest it was described to me as a second little rib cage :bone: :bone:


Ugh, I’m so sorry to hear that! I hope you don’t get lots and lots of strong sunlight where you live.

I started getting it out of the blue but I have other allergies so it’s not that unlikely that I develop new ones over time.


@PrettyKitty24 is it classed as like a pigeon chest xx

Ohh nice! I tried many times but I have trouble keeping balance standing let alone a bike! Just a walking hazard!! :stuck_out_tongue:

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I know that feeling honey @MissNoir x

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I used to ice skate 6 days a week in my 20’s and became extremely fit


I’m taller in real life. :slightly_smiling_face:


Fortunately we don’t have strong sun hear in Uk. I hope you don’t suffer too much, I found it quite difficult to handle at first and have regular appointments with a dermatologist.

I also developed several allergies over time- how strange! I’ve been told it’s due to pollution which doesn’t surprise me.

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I didn’t know what that was so googled it and my chest doesn’t stick out or in, I just always have achey shoulders and I can’t lie on my front but my boobs don’t help either!! Xx

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Oh right… my best friend’s brother had it and I didn’t know whether it was linked or not I should have googled it myself really

Great to hear. When I was living in Greece I suffered from April until September. Thankfully I moved to Sweden and now it’s only 2-4 weeks a year, so it’s more bearable. :slight_smile:

It might be because of the pollution, I really don’t know. I was informed by an allergist that people who already have some allergy can develop new ones over time, as well as the allergies they already have can improve or get worse.
The human body is amazing, but I hate it when it works against us! :sweat_smile:

Wow I did this too when I was younger, I actually still own the keyboard I started with. I moved to pianos but my teacher retired and I gave it up as I didn’t like the new one :joy::joy:

I grew two extra canine adult teeth, came in handy when one of my existing adult canines had to be removed! (the other extra one was also removed)


I had my foreskin kicked off.


Kicked off? :scream:


What! Explain!


I’m speechless :open_mouth: