Super power

If you could have one super power what would it be ?

Time Control, Just to pause it sometimes to take a moment to myself

To stop time

Mind reading

NatandTom wrote:

Mind reading

+1 xxx

I would like to be able to remove pain, physical, emotional and mental. That way I could help all my lovely lovehoney friends and make people happier.

Fun Louise wrote:

I would like to be able to remove pain, physical, emotional and mental. That way I could help all my lovely lovehoney friends and make people happier.

Awww that's lovely huni xx

I would never get tired :)

Ah I have thought long and hard about this and I would like Hindsight 👍🏼

Teleportation please and thanks

Stu do you mean prehindsight?

I would love to be able to turn myself invisible.

Sub if only I had the hindsight to think that 😉


Now I want to change my mind, levitation. To be able to levitate a patient to change their position would be fantastic. No pain for me or them, no pressure sores. I would be able to lift people out of floods and dangerous situations, bu the power of my mind.

Can I have 2 superpowers please??

Ah sorry just one.😔

Well, my first thought was teleportation; I live in a country apart from the one I was born and raised in, so I find it difficult to visit my family and school friends. I've only been back twice in eight years, one of those was within the first six months, so by the second time it had been nearly eight years since I'd seen them. And it was a surprise charity case from one of friends' father as a Christmas/birthday present for her. Plus, I love travel in general; and while I like flying, I HATE airports (especially Heathrow)! But it might be far too easy to slip across the moral event horizon; you can teleport in and out of bank vaults and such with ease, a la Jumper. And while I would start out as a Robin Hood, I'm not naive enough to believe that I could handle and live up to that kind of self-imposed omnipotence nor that eventually something wouldn't go wrong; even if temptation never enters into it.

Regardless of all that; after thinking about it, I think I would choose the ability to transform into a more confident ('stronger') alter-ego. The Nutty She-Hulk.

I know I have qualities and talents and ideas that could not only bring me personal success, but perhaps even put a little good into the world. But I suffer from crippling emotional problems which I spend most of my energy struggling to overcome. If I had another me who didn't have to agonise over every detail, didn't have to rehearse everything she said, didn't have to waste precious hours dredging up the courage to step outdoors alone... My brainiac side could hole up like a mad genius troglodyte and create, confident (for once) in the knowledge that her valkyrie self could carry her ideas and products fearlessly into the world and win the public with her devil-may-care charm. She could take any bullets for me and just shake them off. She could note flaws and take criticism without decomposing into a writhing gelatinous wreck, and bring them back to me for improvement, which I could then make objectively, not being said wreck. I wouldn't have to spend all my resources on being brave and recovering, because she could just smash through all my fears and obstacles for me. I wouldn't have to fix myself or feel like I need to, because she could function in society. And, if I didn't want them to, no one would ever have to know that she was me.



I always loved Bernard's watch, anybody remember 'the queens nose' ☺️Loved that 2. X

Wolverine style super healing powers would be nice so i didnt feel awful all the time.