Taking out batteries?

I know the recommendation is to take them out whenever your toy is not in use but I often find myself forgetting to do so. So I was wondering how you lot deal with batteries..

Do you take them out after every use? Always leave them in? Perhaps just with the most used toys?

I usually leave them in tbh simply because its the last thing I'm thinkin about haha. Usually I find that some toys come with a little circular barrier if they come with a battery and more often then not, I keep that and put that back in place after use. Xx

I'm crap at taking the batteries out and often find they have failed when they are needed - part of my new regime is to start taking the batteries out

or stick to rechargable toys


I take batteries out of the less used toys, just leave them in the ones that I use frequently. I've lots too many toys to bleeding batteries.

kitty x

we usually leave them in - as we never think about it.

Only when packing tous for a trip away do we take out the batteries incase they switch on and we arrive to our destination with no batteries - how frustrating!

I usually take them all out and store them in their own little bag. I've had more than a few leak in the past, rendering whatever they were in useless :-/

I always have the intention of taking the batteries out but but then find it's all a bit of a pain in the backside scrabbling about putting them in if I suddenly want to change toys during a session so I tend to leave them in a few of the frequently used ones.
I know its because removing the batteries is supposed to prolong their life but I tend to use rechargables do it's not really a problem.

I do that also butterflybee. :)

I had batteries leak all over my old rabbit... It taught me to make sure I take the batteries out.

However i mostly use rechargeable toys now!

I try to take the batteries out most of the time i forget i do though only put batteries in the toy i'm using and swap them out when i want to use another

I often leave them in... mostly out of laziness...

I'm really anal about taking out batteries. The irrational part of me is scared they'll catch fire or explode or something (it almost happened recently), the rational part just doesn't want to have all my batteries run down lol. Not to mention the one time I got lazy my 3 year old presented my father with my rabbit vibe going full blast, concerned because 'it won't stop grandad'. Whoops...XD

I have never had any batteries leak at all. I just leave them in x

I take the batteries out of toys who are worth £10 and up and from toys i dont use a lot. I invested in rechargeable toys so i dont need to worry about batteries anymore.

If it's regularly used I leave batteries in but the toys that are used less get them removed. However I'm finding more and more of my toys are rechargeable so now I need to remember to charge them every month so I don't ruin the batteries

I leave them in.... What? I'm lazy. Whenever I do take them out, it just turns in to a thing when I want to use the darn thing again.

Picture it- door locked, ready to go.... oh.... where the devil did I put the batteries.... 10 minutes later they'll be found, but the atmosphere has somewhat shifted.

But if your more organised than I am, it's probably a good idea.

I know I shouldn't but I do tend to leave them in...

I probally sound very strange but i prefer battery toys.

I have about 6 rechargeable toys, i charge them after every time i use them and then when i go back to use them they have no charge left! My we-vibe 2 is the worst for it! The only ones that i found do not do it are toys that are lockable


I leave some in and some out. but my hubby has a bad habbit of nicking the batteries

We keep all of our batteries (including spares) in a small box under the bed with the rest of our toy collection. Simply grab a toy, choose the right batteries and away you go ;) We normally take the batteries out when cleaning the toys after use.