Technical and boring here - sorry

Hi - I apologise in advance for being boring.

I am really enjoying visiting the LoveHoney site and forums. However, I find that once I have logged in, every time I navigate to a new page or thread, I have to refresh the page again to see any new posts on the forum or content on the website (e.g. Deal Of The Day). New posts will be listed but when I go to the page, they don't appear until I refresh. I do admit I have dial-up and a really clunky PC (using Windows 2000) but I have never experienced this on any other sites or forums.

It's definitely not enough to keep me away or put me off, but does anyone else get this? Or is there anything I can do, apart from obviously upgrading to broadband and XP? Thanks x

Thanks Carly - I will try these but ultimately think I'm going to need to update to some new hardware...and not of the LoveHoney kind

JayGee wrote:

Thanks Carly - I will try these but ultimately think I'm going to need to update to some new hardware...and not of the LoveHoney kind External Media

I've had this before, on a relatively new Mac so it's probs not a hardware thing, although with dial-up (still?! :P) caching would probably be a good idea! The cache idea does sound like a good bet though.