The Cleavage: Is It Out Of Style?

Hey lovely people!

So, according to the fashion gurus at Vogue, cleavages are now 'out of style', which personally I think is ridiculous (how can any body part be out of fashion?!).

But I'd love to know what you all think - have we seen too many canyon-esque cleavages to find them attractive any more? Is it all about the bum now? Or the legs? Or the side-boob, perhaps? What's the part of yours or your partner's body that you love most?

Nope, its still cleavage. that look will never go out of fashion for me.

I saw this article the other day and I thought the same thing! A body part is not a trend or a fashion. It's simply a body part, which is something that can't be changed to fit with whatever shape and size Vogue want us to be that week. It seems that no-one in the media can stop body-shaming for long enough to notice the way that it affects people, which sucks. In my opinion, it doesn't matter what size or shape you are or how you choose to dress, because in all seriousness, you will never be able to live upto these ridiculous expectations thrown at us, so there's no point trying to change to 'fit in'.

I don't think clevage will ever go out of style. Too bad my boobs are too wide set to get it.

I have always wondered who decides what is/isn't in style. Is there a government committee on trends that sits twice yearly (probably the same shady group that decides it is national J cloth week)?

Personally I love a good cleavage and some of the recent Lovehoney plus size ranges has made my wife's look pretty damn awesome (well more awesome).

So I say embrace the cleavage (consensually of course I'm not Donald trump).

no i dont think so at all. i cant imagine kim kardashian putting her ample bossom out of eye sight! ![](upload://h7LJ67OOrR57VDYrj5ZEwwHAfLG.gif)

To hell with that- I love my knockers, and whatever Vogue says I will flaunt them until they trip me up!

Nope I love a good cleavage :)

I do think that a cleavage looks good but I think we should appreachiate smaller boobs too, they can also look great! You don't have to have a large chest to look fab :)

Well I personally refuse to believe this, as a small boobed lady I have suddenly discovered the art of creating aa cleavage with the right bras, right clothes and a well angled selfie! Vogue is not taking that away from me!!!

On a more serious note, it may be more fashionable for those follow high fashion to show off one body part more than another, but I think in every day life people will more often than not love a good cleavage. Just as some people will love a good bum or a nice pair of legs.

Vogue are silly!

If only Vogue (and the fashion world in general) would realise that ALL bits of ALL people can ALL be beautiful ALL at once! People and their bodies don't go in or out of fashion!

Agree with whats been said already - body parts can't 'go out of fashion' - will open up floodgates for more body issue problems!!!

Personally never been able to create a cleavage - thank goodness hubby is a bum and leg man xxx

Thankfully I don't care much about fashion. I just wear things that suit my shape.

What they said ^^^ lol X

It's pretty much impossible for me to NOT have cleavage! I've never been fashionable though, I don't care much for trendy clothes I just wear something I'm comfortable in which flatters me. 😊

If you are larger of bust cleavage is pretty much unavoidable unless you want to spend the rest of your days wearing higher necklines. I don't care if certain body parts are in or out of style you can't swap them around and change them like a pair of shoes

fashion schmashion

I don't think it will ever go out of style

Cleavage has never been out of style with me ! I've never been into obeying the latest fashion dictated by the magazines etc .
I love my boobs and I've no intention of keeping them covered all the time :)

Sxleksaker wrote:

I do think that a cleavage looks good but I think we should appreachiate smaller boobs too, they can also look great! You don't have to have a large chest to look fab :)

Smaller boobs are just as good too though :)