The Importance of being... a friend

Last week I had a falling out with my closest friend, due to a misunderstanding/jumping to conclusions/not knowing what to believe on my part, so it was my fault. And I was absolutely miserable without him. He means so much to me; he's my rock, he's my light, he just gets me. Sometimes, there are things that I just can't talk to my OH about (trust me, I've tried), so to mess things up with my friend was awful, I felt so alone without him.
And I realised, when I couldn't see my light, and all I could feel was my demons at my heels, that I was being a really crappy friend, because he was feeling exactly the same. So I approached him, apologised, talked it through, sorted! Thank god!

So really, I just wanted to take a moment to say a thank you to him, for helping me battle my self and strive to see another day. Even when I have my moments of not believing in him, even when I make mistakes, and especially when I get so caught up inside my own head, he's still there waiting for me. A true friend is a wonderful thing to be, and an even better thing to have ❤️
But also, I want to say thank you to you guys on here, who read my posts and respond with warmth and advice, and offer your shoulders to bear the weight of my problems. It's not often I open up to people, I hate seeing people's eyes glaze over when I'm talking to them, and always regret opening my mouth or pressing that Post button because I feel like I've said too much. But I appreciate your kind words, and appreciate that a stranger can see more worth in me than half the people I see on a daily basis. I'm thankful that you take time out of your lives to comfort others, and remind me that humanity isn't dead. I think you're all amazing ❤️

Your most welcome .

Anything you want to talk about ,I am all ears .

Aww violet that's such a powerful post, and speaks volumes. Imo your posts are fantastic you carry yourself incredibly well and you come across brilliantly 👍 its horrible when thoughts take over being yourself , especially when you have immense qualities.

Totally get the people on here helping more than folk in the 'real world' too. I'm jumping in to thank the forums also, everybody's been really supportive with the none stop situations in my life. The advice is invaluable and receiving it from people who aren't directly involved is great as I feel it's easier to see things more clearly with an outside look in.

Thanks for sharing. I'm sure your friend will really appreciate your lovely post hunni. Chin up and stay strong, keep fighting the demons inside playing with the emotions 😙💟xx

Violet I agree the value of your best friend is worth more than gold, and the support from "unseen/online" friends is wonderful. I'm really pleased you managed to apologise and sort things out. You know you never need to apologise here. Thanks for sharing.

My best friend means the world to me, but she is a long way away and you guys (my forum friends) have been so much support to me recently. I was amazed at the support given to me by the online community, particularly when I was repeatedly moaning about the same thing. Your support and advice is greatly appreciated and I hope to be here to help those of you that need it too.

Thanks guys 😘😘
I'm the same! Feel like it's one thing after another at the moment. And I think that's why I'm so grateful to people here, because when I have opened up, you guys have chosen to respond. No obligation to listen, but you do anyway. That blows me away 😘😘
Admittedly I'm not the greatest at replying, I read something and think I'll respond to that later when I can give it some proper attention, and then usually forget 🙈🙈 And I'm not around all the time, or I'm lost in my own head, but even if all I can offer is some virtual hugs, I'm glad to do it! I would hate to think that anybody felt like they couldn't or shouldn't share their problems here. I don't mind if it's the first time or hundredth time you've talked about any particular issue, doesn't change the support I'd give. I know what it's like not to have people willing to listen, can't stand the thought of someone else feeling alone.

This is a lovely post and I'm really pleased you feel comfortable talking on here about things that may be upsetting or worrying you, it just proves what a great community this can be 😊

VioletWolf wrote:

Last week I had a falling out with my closest friend, due to a misunderstanding/jumping to conclusions/not knowing what to believe on my part, so it was my fault. And I was absolutely miserable without him. He means so much to me; he's my rock, he's my light, he just gets me. Sometimes, there are things that I just can't talk to my OH about (trust me, I've tried), so to mess things up with my friend was awful, I felt so alone without him.
And I realised, when I couldn't see my light, and all I could feel was my demons at my heels, that I was being a really crappy friend, because he was feeling exactly the same. So I approached him, apologised, talked it through, sorted! Thank god!

So really, I just wanted to take a moment to say a thank you to him, for helping me battle my self and strive to see another day. Even when I have my moments of not believing in him, even when I make mistakes, and especially when I get so caught up inside my own head, he's still there waiting for me. A true friend is a wonderful thing to be, and an even better thing to have ❤️
But also, I want to say thank you to you guys on here, who read my posts and respond with warmth and advice, and offer your shoulders to bear the weight of my problems. It's not often I open up to people, I hate seeing people's eyes glaze over when I'm talking to them, and always regret opening my mouth or pressing that Post button because I feel like I've said too much. But I appreciate your kind words, and appreciate that a stranger can see more worth in me than half the people I see on a daily basis. I'm thankful that you take time out of your lives to comfort others, and remind me that humanity isn't dead. I think you're all amazing

Good for you VW it's not always easy to admit when you are in the wrong I bet your friend is just as pleased as you it is all sorted.

Alot of this has been said before but, again well done for admission on your part also, kudos to the friend for accepting your apologies.

Hope this is quickly forgotten and you both can carry on as you were.

Lovely post..much hugs xxx

Violet, I'm so happy that you managed to sort things out with your friend. True friends will understand and forgive each other. You must feel relieved now you are friends again. :) I'm the same I don't always respond to threads, doesn't mean I don't care. I do... Sending positive vibes & hugs 😘

NatandTom wrote:

This is a lovely post and I'm really pleased you feel comfortable talking on here about things that may be upsetting or worrying you, it just proves what a great community this can be 😊

+1 - Sending lots of hugs xx

Violet I'm so pleased you and your friend have managed to put your differences behind you. True friends are something to be treasured thats for sure and you clearly think the world of him so it's great that things are sorted now between you :)

Im sorry i missed you post and couldnt chat but sounds like many offered support. Glad u and your friend sorted things out. We have all been here xx