The Lounge

@MsR there’s not much more i know. A certain street is cordoned off at certain times this week as they film inside an old Doctor’s (how apt!) surgery, that is pretty much architecturally as it was in the early 20th century. There is a newsagents next door, and it was ram raided during the early hours one of the days this week. The film is called Benediction if you want to look out for it’s release. Loved Capaldi in Doctor Who! :slight_smile:

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I have that with animals, kids not so much :joy: some of ours had definitely been mistreated, not all of them thankfully. It breaks my heart how people can do that to animals. They’ve all got better and more trusting as time went on and had happy lives with us :heart:

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@MsSubExperimenter me too, i’m a very placid person, but animal and child cruelty enrage me. One of our dogs, i absent mindedly rolled a newspaper up as i was about to bin it, she cowered thinking i was going to hit her. Our first dog used to lie on her back in submission and wet herself if either of our dad’s visited, but soon grew out of that. Then another, as i walked past a lollypop lady, he did a backflip, wriggled out of his collar (We’d only just got him and he was underweight) and ran off into the road, i was in the road stopping traffic until i caught him. I don’t know if it was the lollypop pole that frightened him, but after a lot of love and reassurance we got all our dogs back to normality.


Honestly, I don’t pay attention for a day and somebody builds us a new place to hang out!


I missed it also so you are not alone.

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If our mate @WillC is in the lounge get him a vodka and cream soda for his birthday happy birthday buddy

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Cheers! :slight_smile:


Here U go @WillC

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Thanks! :joy:

This does not sound nice :grimacing::grimacing: Am I missing out on something?!

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@SexInTheCity ask @WillC he has a problem with it 2 glasses and two hands but only 1 mouth :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: just messing budy


It’s WillC’s drink of choice. :slightly_smiling_face:


It’s delicious! I was bought some Smirnoff with a hint of vanilla a few years ago, and thought i could make my own cheaper! Vodka and Irn Bru is also nice! :wink:

Vodka with anything is nice :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:
Cranberry juice :yum:

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@Chosen-one very true, i have mixed it with a lot of different soft drinks!

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@WillC As it is your birthday I shall pour you another shot(Double) of my Russian Standard Platinum.

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Vodka with lemon Fanta now that’s refreshing


Cheers guys! :slight_smile:

Happy birthday @WillC! :tada: :birthday: :clinking_glasses: