The Vending Machine

Gets someone to lick the fluff out of it

Inserts a sheet of bubble wrap…

Gets a good popping…

Inserts a hair pin…

Gets a long prick

Inserts a cupcake…

Gets to scrape off the topping and bin it…

Inserts a keyboard…

Gets to write an epic message

Inserts a flute…

Gets to purse my lips around something and play a damn good tune…

Inserts a pickled egg…

Gets to wince at the bitterness

Inserts a hub cap…

Gets a lovely sniff…:crazy_face:

Inserts a sunflower


Gets a ray of sunshine

Inserts a pressure gauge…

Gets a reading…

Inserts an bottle of listerine

Gets a nasty burning sensation

Inserts a toy car

Gets a matchbox…

Inserts a pair of clackers…

Gets bruised knuckles

Inserts a running shoe…

Gets a plimsol…

Inserts a daisy chain…

Gets a pretty necklace

Inserts a catapult…

Gets covered in maggots

Inserts a fly swatter…

Gets thwacked hard

Inserts a covid mask…

Gets superman…

Inserts a dandelion clock…

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Gets blown away

Inserts a roll of sellotape…

Gets in a sticky tangle…

Inserts a stencil…