The Vending Machine

Gets a stool…

Inserts a bridge…

Gets to reach out to someone

Inserts a talied butt plug…

Gets to sweep the floor…

Inserts a jacket potato…

Gets a hot buttery snack

Inserts a tea cosy…

Gets a lovely wooly hat with ear slots…

Inserts a can of worms

Gets a can opener

Inserts a cross…

Gets a bun

Inserts a hair roller…

Gets a hairy roll

Inserts a hammer

Gets knock kneed…

Inserts a mascara…

Gets volumised

Inserts some tetley tea

Gets to see little men folk…

Inserts a marzipan chocolate

Gets a mouth full of nuts dipped in chocolate

Inserts a tattoo design

Gives it serious thought…

Inserts a choker…

Gets a stiff…neck

Inserts a meringue…

Gets an Eton mess

Inserts a bunch of grapes

Gets a bunch of piles…

Inserts a petrol can…

Fills it up and employs a security guard

Inserts a slug…

Gets a penis…

Inserts a genie…

Gets to rub his…lamp

Inserts a piece of coal…

Gets to be “black bright”…

Inserts a fish slice…