The Vending Machine

Gets a chatty bird

Inserts a bath towel…

Gets a steamy wrap…

Inserts a cassette recorder…

Gets the top 30 on a Sunday afternoon

Inserts a toilet roll tube…

Gets shitty fingerprints…:scream:

Inserts a salt shaker…

Gets a salty mouthful

Inserts a filofax…

Gets a yuppy…

Inserts a pinball machine…

Gets a deaf dumb and blind kid

Inserts a steel toecapped boot…

Gets kicked black and blue…

Inserts a box of chocolates…

Gets a metaphor for life

Inserts a leg brace…

Gets supported…

Inserts a tangfastic…

Gets to pull a face like a Japanese bloke cumming

Inserts a J Cloth…

Gets a chequered wipe…

Inserts a trolley coin…

Gets a pair of pliers to retrieve it

Inserts a plectrum…

Gets to give a good plucking…

Inserts a wedding ring

Gets a mouthful of wedding cake

Inserts a pot plant…

Gets a good watering…

Inserts a dog licence…

Gets lead astray wearing a studded collar

Inserts a bullet belt…

Gets to look sexy…

Inserts a fish knife…

Gets a whale of a time

Inserts a post it note…

Gets to still forget…

Inserts a crumpet…