The Vending Machine

Gets a credit card

inserts a pussy

gets a cat

inserts a water slide

gets swimming pool

inserts wardrobe

Gets transported to Narnia

Inserts a snow globe

gets 2 snow globes

inserts a walking stick

Gets a tree

inserts a condom

Gets a water balloon

inserts a plug

gets a sink

inserts a rainbow

Gets assaulted by a leprechaun.
Inserts one smelly sock, 2 rashers of bacon and a drop of suntan lotion

gets a sunburnt filthy pig that is wearing the two socks, sexy knickers and makeup that tries to hump you!!

inserts a minion, a wool hat, rocket and a piece of moon cheese

You get Dr Nefario with bad wind.

Puts in the eiffel tower, mount rush more and a jellybean

You get a pile of rumble with an alien sat on top worshipping the jelly bean

puts in a mobile phone, wedding ring, crocodile and a 7 of clubs playing card

Gets a crocodile playing his wife over the telephone with the winning hand, including eight, nine, ten and Jack of clubs

Puts in one bottle o' rum, one sail boat and a map to the carribean

Gets lost

Puts in a grain of salt

gets a pot of pepper

puts in a male dinosaur dressed as a woman

Gets Barney the dinosaur wearing a tiara :O

Puts in a desk

Gets a hernia

Inserts a sledgehammer

Gets a bum rash from the wrecking ball!😄
Puts in wet celery and an egg wisk

Gets a gold necklace :o

Puts in all the letters of the alphabet, except for Q, K and A

Gets a faulty dictionary

Inserts a map of the world