There's been a theft - advice needed for insurance claim

As the title suggests there has been a theft :sob:

During the process of us moving to our first home (yay now home owners) my husband’s van was left open and a couple of boxes got taken.

Not too much of a drama in the sense that CCTV was collected from the surrounding houses and those that did the pinching got caught quickly due to being well known in the town but none of the items have been located.

My biggest upset in the whole thing is our “Box” was taken. I don’t know what the second hand market is like for toys but I can’t see them going for that much. Also how am I to explain this to the insurance company on the list of items taken.

The insurance claim would look something along the lines of. 1 X king-size duvet, 4 X pillows, 1 X under bed restraints, 1 X anal training kit, 1 X strap on and a rabbit. Surely I can’t put those items through insurance???

Has this happened to anyone else???


Oh dear, sorry hear this! If the van was left open you may well not be able to claim for the (very) personal belongings. You’re lucky the van wasn’t taken!

Well I guess if you can endure the embarrassment just include them on the claim form, if nothing else it will give the employees a giggle!
I’m sure they’re used to unusual stuff being claimed for!

As @WillC said, I’m sure they see it all. You might be able to talk with your adjuster though and see if a combined amount for the toys would work. Something along the lines of “Okay, here’s the deal. We have a good sex life and some ‘adult’ items were taken. They have a combined value of $X. As I’m sure you can imagine, it’s a little embarrassing. Do I really need to specify each item or will one amount for that category suffice?” They may work with you after an explanation as to why you would prefer not to list each item specifically. They may not, but it might be worth a try.

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Oh Dear - I recall many years ago having an accident hitting a trailer. The claim form from the guy i hit was claiming for a cooker - questioning why, it was part of his camping gear, which was in the trailer!.
Thought - anyone else here had unusual insurance claims?

You’re in good company… :slightly_smiling_face:

(bonus points if anyone can find a current link to the news article)


I would not quote individual items like this, I would say Adult bedroom items total £150 or what ever amount. If they want more details they will ask.

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List it all on the claim form; at least there’s no way they will think you’ve made it up!

I bet the thieves don’t know if they are cumming or going! sorry - I shall stand in the corner!


That’s funny.

The worst part of it is two of the items are new from Christmas and I’ve been away so not been used yet.

Tell them these items were a present for your friend who is doing a sex therapy degree (the unused ones). @Lefty1

My first question to the insurers would be whether they would be replacing new for old or whether there’d be a value adjustment for ‘wear & tear’.

Because a few of ours have certainly taken a battering and would most likely be classes as ‘uninsurable’…:man_facepalming::joy::joy:

Oh no!

This reminds me of the time I was travelling around Greece and we were being taxi’d around in this rickety old van that was using string to tie the doors closed. After managing to get half-way up the hill, the doors burst open and my bags went tumbling down. Scores of tampons and condoms just rolled down the hill. The taxi driver tried to collect as many as possible for me while I just died of embarrassment :flushed:

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:joy: Just put them down on the insurance claim, I’m sure it will put a small smile of the people looking at them… Or boost it to the premium range of toys…

I have a really funny image of that in my head now.

Think you mean adult health and beauty products :slight_smile:

I maybe list them as adult toys or just put as toys or therapy equipment :nerd_face:
Bedding stuff should be easy to just name as they are.

Thankfully I’ve never experienced this sort of thing before but if happed I’d defo be going all Jason Stathem on the guilty party to get my toys back lol :sweat_smile:

Just to reiterate what others have said. Put it down on the claim form - the only time you’d get questioned or asked to provide a breakdown is if the total of items are high value. Normally companies really don’t have time to ask for that. They’d take into account you’re moving house so you’re likely to have a large amount of personal possessions in a vehicle.

Honestly, as someone who has worked in claims I’ve seen it all before.

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