Think I need to see a doctor but don't want them thinking I'm over reacting

Wow boogaloo that is now on your medical notes that you very big boobs x

Thanks everyone for the help I have made an appointment but unfortunately due to work and other commitments (CT scan) I have to wait til Friday.

Even if the red lumps go down I still have the white spot and the pain that I've had for weeks.

I once had a nasty brief scare (it's funny now though) I had a large brown mole on my breast. I freaked out was on my way to the doctors and then I realised... I had something brown on my bra... It was chocolate I had been eating malteasers nibbling the chocolate off for the dog and the shell fell into my bra and melted but because of the shape it was raised and brown and I literally panicked so bad! Was so relieved to find it was chocolate and SO glad I didn't go to the Drs lol

The odd thing is even though my great nan died of it, my nan has had it four times... I don't get any sort of tests no mammograms, no preventive tests. All I have had are blood tests due to my sinus problems and haven't had one in over a year or two

The trouble is Kirsty due to your age, alot of tests etc are not offered to us because of our age. My doctor explained the same thing, because it is so very rare for someone to have it in our twenties, its difficult to get a screen. Your grandma having it is one thing, but it is a different story all together when you have a close relative that died in their 30's.. they are the EXACT words that my doctor told me when I went to him with a lump.

I have great difficulty getting a smear test done. I needed to have one done when I was 19 for a job internationally, and had to provide one as procedure. However, everywhere I went (even paying for it privatley) I was rejected because I was too young. It is so frustrating.

It's horrible and yeah PCOS also runs in my family (immediate) and they won't even test me for that ember they tested my mate and it's in our families the same

Good luck on Friday. Breast pain can be hormonal as well, I get that from time to time. The spots I wonder if it is a derm issue such as a rash or whatnot. We used to live next door to a nurse which was awesome because she could help keep me calm on stuff like this. I agree with everyone else better to check it out than be sorry.

Its always better to get something strange checked out so im glad youve made an appointment.

Fingers crossed it all goes well at the drs for you! x

Thanks guys

Good luck for Friday :)

Sugarboobies its crazy that you haven't been able to get a smear. I had my first one when I was about 16 to rule out problems as I was experiencing pain, since then I've probably had about 4 or 5 and I'm only 22, it's never been a problem. Have you tried a GUM clinic?

I know it's hard not to worry when you have relatives who have had breast cancer but there are calculations to work out your risk so perhaps speak to your GP about this and see what they say about your risk. If you are at increased risk, they will begin screening earlier but it is unlikely to be until you are 30, at the earliest. Even if you carry one of the BRCA genes, there isn't any good evidence for beginning screening before 30 (hence why NICE suggest beginning MRI screening at 30). Mammograms aren't very useful for younger people due to dense tissue

There are other genes which can be involved and if you are concerned about increased risk, it might be worth asking any living relative with breast cancer whether they have had genetic testing. It may be that they didn't bother but will if they think it might help other family members or it may be that they aren't actually at increased risk. Breast cancer is a common cancer so if you have a fairly big family, having two relatives with breast cancer could well be due to chance. When working out risk, they will look at how many times it occurs on one side of the family. Things which increase risk are age at diagnosis (the younger they are, the more likely it is a hereditary cancer), breast cancer in both breasts, both breast and ovarian cancer, and male relatives with breast cancer.

Knowing your risk is pretty important, not just in terms of screening. It also matters for things like choice of birth control. I'd definitely recommend speaking to your doctor about your risk and if it is increased, genetic counselling might be something your family should consider.

Thanks will have to see if they'll actually calculate it for me and not just say "so it's in your family you're at a higher risk" I just remembered though work are trying to get me in early Friday will have to ask if I can come in when I'm done

Doctor doctor doctor! If for nothing else so that you can have peace of mind and move on. Good luck and don't take a chance

Thanks got my appointment tomorrow morning before work will let you know how it goes

Get yourself to the doctors asap. It's probably fine but you must always get checked out if you have any doubts.
Please don't worry about wasting the doctor's time... some people go to the GP for the most minor things. They're the time wasters... not you!

P.s... I also found a lump and got told I just had lumpy boobs... what the hell do lumpy boobs mean? Hahaha!

I waited nearly a year to gt checked out when both my nipples became incredibly itchy and burning, turned out to be just ecxma but i wish i hadnt waited so long, i got myself right worked u about it.

Haha I don't know what they meant by lumpy boobs but went to the doctors this morning it's fine just irritation from sweat/new washing powder or body stuff. My family history is now recorded (thought it have been recorded ages ago) but yeah got the boob a-ok

Brilliant news! I'm really glad you decided to get it checked out and now you have your family history recorded it should mean it gets taken into account when relevant (though it is always worth reminding them).

Great news Kirsty you definitely did the right thing getting it checked out.

Woohoo! Glad it's all fine and clear. You did the right thing getting it checked out sooner rather than later hun x

Really glad everything's ok :) x

im glad it was good news