This toy suitable?

Thinking of buying this for some Anal play, however after some advice.

I have lots of anal toys but wondering peoples thought on this as an anal toy? The size circumference wise is fine for me.


Errrrrr possibly not, get yourself a vibrating butt plug or p spot massager

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Granted, I’m pretty new to anal play, but I have to say that’s probably not what I would go with! Personally, I think the bunny ears especially would hinder a little bit.

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You can definitely use rabbits for anal play.

You need to be a little careful and make sure your sphincter doesn’t tense and squeeze the rotating beads too much as this can damage the motor but providing the length and girth are ok for you, then it should be fine.

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One thing. Jelly material is never safe to use without a condom. Be prepared to use condoms every time you use this toy. If you don’t want to do that, get a silicone toy. They are more expensive but it’s worth it in the long run. The only safe materials are silicone, glass, metal and abs plastic. Anything else is NOT safe. I can’t stress this enough.

Now that my mini rant is out of the way, you can use rabbits for anal. LH has said it on their channel in their happy rabbits video. It’s not the best for anal but it will still work. Just make sure to use lots of lube, preferably water based anal lube. I used to use normal water based lube and then I tried anal lube and I’d never go back to normal water based lube for anal. Anal lube feels way better.

Other good anal toys are butt plugs, anal beads, dildos, etc, all with a good enough base. I find that glass toys for anal seems to be way better as it doesn’t have an odour after you use it for a while but keep in mind that vibrating toys don’t really come in glass. They can but it’s rare to find them and LH doesn’t have any so you’d have to go with silicone if you want them to vibrate.