Toy Storage

How does everyone store their sex toys? Currently hubby and I each have a small box and also a couple drawstring bags. We’re looking into different options for storage as our collection is getting a bit too big for what we have.

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I’ve started ordering over the door storage pockets. Typically contain 18 to 24 pockets and I think you can find hanger types :grin: in closets.

My SIL said she’d just put where everyone can see if she was really active and I might consider this :laughing: no kids in our immediate family or friends or even teenagers and no one goes into our bedroom except the two of us or very close friends :blush:

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We have a big whicker picnic hamper!
The sex hamper - makes me smile every time :slight_smile: :star_struck: :heart:


Three 28 litre under bed storage boxes, bottom drawer of chest of drawers and the overflow everywhere else… I need to have a clear out of unloved toys :rofl:


If you search toy box :package: in the forum :flashlight: bar there is some good suggestions. We went with two lockable metal suitcases. The ones that you can leave out in bedroom the look decorative with one small one onto of larger one. :hugs:

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We have our toys in a suitcase.

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I should add. We have 2 small kids so want to make sure we’re able to lock up our toys. Our current boxes lock, but they’re becoming full and one is broken and doesn’t lock anymore. I will definitely search as suggested above and see what comes up.

We tracked down some zippered under-the-bed storage boxes. No windows, opaque material, use a luggage combo lock on the zippers. They’re a heavy canvas or cloth, so they could be cut open, but kids won’t get in and can’t see what’s in there. Found at everyone’s (least) favorite online store. Be sure to measure how much height you have to work with if you go under the bed!

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Thanks for the suggestion. I’ll definitely look into it. Our bed isn’t very high off the floor but one of those storage bags may fit. Typical under bed storage totes don’t fit though unfortunately.

Some hide theirs in a toolbox with a padlock :lock: but for my I’ve got them hidden all over my room, wardrobe, shoe boxes, under bed, drawers… :sweat_smile:


We have an ottoman that matches our bedroom furniture at the foot of the bed. I fitted a cabinet lock that we both have keys for.


I use a drawer under my bed and a basket of my most used toys and accessories on a chest of drawers. This basket has overflown now and probably looks like a diy basket now with cable ties and binder clips lol

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I’ve really considering investing in a nice toy box for all my toys

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We have something similar to these - lockable metal storage boxes that can go under the bed or we have ours stacked decoratively at the bottom of the bed. They were ordered from eBay.


:point_up_2:We have the same :hugs::star_struck: