Toy/technique advice for a virgin please?

I should probably say hi first really, but the thread title pretty much gives away my dilema!

I'm 26 years old, and due to many reasons (mainly weight/self confidence) I am unfortunately still a virgin. However...even virgins get turned on! Since my teens I tried masturbating but think I put too much pressure on myself (menatlly) and have never managed to orgasm.

My friends during college knew my predicament and tried giving me advice/got me toys but the truth is I don't find me a turn on. I can get close, but then feel like I'm going to pee...and trust me I've tried to see if this is really just me about to wasn't! Lol!

I'm older and wiser (and even more frustrated) now so want to jump back in to the void. So basically I just wanted some advice on what sort of toys etc I can try to use? I prefer the idea of a toy touching me, rather than just me touching me, if that makes sense!?

Thanks x

what toys have you tried before?

for total toy virgins the fourums usually reccomend a bullet like the tracey cox 3 speed bullet

there's also a basics line of toys that are budget friendly if you want something to try and your'e not sure if you will like it.

there's also insertable ones like the ladyfinger

or a love egg that could be used for both internal and clitoral stimulation.

The main thing is to not put too much pressure on yourself, as stressing about having an orgasm will mean you are far less likley to get there!

Ok.. I can only go from my experiences and hopefully it will help you.

A few years ago, I became very ill therefore sex and orgasms were not on the scale at that point. During that time, I was frustrated because I felt a pressure to be young and to "enjoy yourself" with other people and I wasn't ready.

I focussed on myself; spritually, mentally and physically. Gradually, I practiced yoga, slept a lot, enjoyed spending time with friends, and worked hard; I didn't think about sex. I became stronger and better. Eventually, I was stimulated by either work, friends, cooking, yoga etc every hour of the day; I became more energetic and I never let myself get bored.

One day, I was pottering about my room and I felt something and some thoughts. And I had the urge to play with myself which I did. I had a fantastic orgasm and it carried on from there. It really did just happen one day. I can't tell you what triggered it only that I was relaxed and I was alone.

Personally, I think when you relax in all aspects of your life, it has an impact on how you feel towards yourself therefore results occur. Sleep and diet is very important; I am very careful about what I eat etc. Also, staying mentally stimulated (not sexually) and prevent boredom.

There's nothing wrong about taking time to focus on yourself. People will just have to deal with it if they don't like it.

sweetlove666 has suggested some good toys and saying not to put too much pressure on yourself and stressing about an orgasm will mean you're far less likely to get there is true.

I know you have expressed you prefer the idea of a toy touching you rather than yourself but I think it's important to have connection with yourself mentally/spiritually and sometimes using your fingers is more natural and may physically arouse you in a gentler way, however there is nothing wrong about using toys to help.

Hope it helps :).

i hope you over come your issues and are able to find yourself a nice man to pop that cherry :)

a virgin at 26, youve already become the most desirable women in the uk in my eyes lol i forsee now issues getting laid if you start off by declaring that when you meet someone :)

Hello and welcome.

If it makes you feel more at ease, I only lost mine at 23 (2 years ago). I only now have a second lover, as we broke up with my ex soon after our weekend together.

I would say, take your time, dont pressure yourself and just relax. I think multispeed bullet like the Tracy Cox or maybe the Pin Ups by Lovehoney would do well. Lady finger is great, but the colour can come of after extensive use, so maybe this one would be better

its the same shape and design and size, but its waterproof.

As for prefering toy touching you, I was the same. I think I had to find a real way to accept my body as it is and dont stress it too much. I think its partly because of negative view we can see our bodies and comments from people round us can make it worse. If you have a confidence issue, maybe a consellor would help you to get a better self confidence? It helped me a lot, personally.

my only advice would be to sit back relax and explore, take your time try to explore yourself fully without trying to frantically force the issue, sometime good things come to those who wait. use a mirror so you know which areas are more sensitive when you touch.

hi and welcome to the forum!