Unsure about what you want?

I’ve been in a weird state sexually. It feels like I’m looking/needing/wanting something but heck if I can figure out what it is. Me and the OH have not been very active because a lot has been going on. But I feel this yearning and wanting for something sexual but have no idea what I’m looking for? I’m not unhappy and I feel satisfied with our sex lives considering our situation. It’s not necessarily a sense of lost but what do I want?!

Anyone else ever feel this way? What did you do?

Completely different situation here but feeling somewhat similar. Came out of LTR with someone who struggled sexually the whole time. Would never have experimented elsewhere while we were together but since he left I’ve been feeling ready to explore the whole wide sex-positive world that I’ve not really known before. So much to learn! Never had a vibrator till a few months ago, and gave my first BJ recently too. But lots of whats, wheres and hows to consider.


Welcome to the forum both @LearningLate and @AllenTries I hope both of you find the forum useful.

@LearningLate it is quite similar. I can say that exploring my own sexuality did wonders for my confidence and performance in the bedroom. I’m glad to hear you’re taking the next steps!!

@steve19 I do find this forum very useful! I haven’t been posting or commenting much for the past month or so but I am on here at least daily!

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I watch toys, squirting, pegging, massage and some other stuff. Not too often as of late just with timing and everything. I don’t know if because of our schedules and timing and holidays if we are missing intimacy and passion? It’s odd. I’m not unhappy, just feel like there is something(s) I’m wanting but don’t know what it is.

As far as the porn goes, we don’t practice any of that. My partner is pretty vanilla and easily satisfied so I’m the one who needs the extra stuff.

I agree with others in that it may be time to either change things up a bit to bring a little excitement back.

Or it may also be a good idea to try and communicate a with your partner about:
Both your sexual feelings
Any desires you may have
Whether you are both happy
What you enjoy and what you want
Maybe someone would like to introduce something new like toys
Discuss you fantasies

This should be a positive discussion about what you both like and how you both might like to; I guess, liven things up a bit.
Your partner may be feeling similar to you or may also be feeling like something is missing or that they could be happier.
But you won’t know until you both open up to each other x

Bloody hell I could have wrote exactly this!! I feel your frustration as I just can’t figure out where my head is and what I want even though I’m in a good place with my OH except for our reduced sexlife both the amount and kink.

I was going to say it sounds like an existential crisis surrounding sex (sexistential crisis?).

I have been in a similar place, and what helped me is a lot of self-reflection. It’s not a quick process, and I’d argue it’s a continuous process as it’s something I have been doing for years. Sorry I couldn’t be more helpful. I hope you get there.

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