Using your ex for sex, good or bad?

What do people think of exes becoming f*ck buddies? Is it a no go? Is it a great idea? Do you think it could makes things awkward between the two of them or do you think it could bring them closer or maybe instead of it being no strings they would get in too deep and it could cause complications.

Well here's how it goes..

I have an Ex who was really good in bed and I felt really comfatable with him, more than I have done with anyone else and he was into all the things I was, he was up for anything and everything. We split because he wasn't relationship material (lying, cheating, breaking promises and so on). We didn't see each other for a long time and we met a few weeks ago and had sex I was wondering it was the right thing to do and was contemplating making it a regular thing, that way no one would get hurt but we could still enjoy the sex. He recently got in a relationship so it's not going to happen now but if it did, would it be wrong?

He would be fine.

You wouldnt.

If you werent happy with him having other partners before, why would you feel differently this time?

It was my idea though? I was bothered about it when we were together because we were in a relationship, I'm not bothered now because we aren't. It wasn't that I didn't like him having other partners, it was that he lied about it. If he was honest about it I wouldn't of minded.

I'm all for it, at the end of the day you already know how well your bodies work together, and you're already comfortable naked with eachother, as long as it is just sex then go for it :) just don't get hurt again x

AvantiHay wrote:

I'm all for it, at the end of the day you already know how well your bodies work together, and you're already comfortable naked with eachother, as long as it is just sex then go for it :) just don't get hurt again x

That's what I thought, I don't want to be in a relationship at the moment and I thought this was much better than meeting somebody new and having to start from scratch! :) x

i totally would . my most recent ex its still too raw .. but in the future HELL yes cos , DAMN .... even thinking about him gets me a little damp . he was fun and i think woulda been happy to try stuff ive become interested in thru porn and posts on here .... *must.not.ask.him. lol *

Mystical_Mother wrote:

AvantiHay wrote:

I'm all for it, at the end of the day you already know how well your bodies work together, and you're already comfortable naked with eachother, as long as it is just sex then go for it :) just don't get hurt again x

That's what I thought, I don't want to be in a relationship at the moment and I thought this was much better than meeting somebody new and having to start from scratch! :) x

i couldn't agree more, its someone you know very well both mentally and physically, and providing its something you both want then you can't go wrong, i broke up with one of my ex's 10 years ago and we still meet up every few months for sex x

My first thought, MM, was that it was fine to get together with your ex...... just for the joy of it. After all, you had split up and the relationship no longer required honesty and dependability.... it was just about sex.

But, on the other hand, looking at it from a male perspective, your ex would probably be laughing himself to sleep. He treated you badly, you binned him, and now he's getting sex with no commitments. That's a pretty nice reward for behaving badly when you were boyfriend/girlfriend.

So it could be said that, by sleeping with him, you were being a bit weak.

But, I know where you're coming from. A great sex partner is something that doesn't come along every day....

If you felt that you could have sex with him without getting attached then yeah go ahead! But consider, what if he got a girlfriend and said he couldn't sleep with you anymore. Would you be sad? Do you think you'll start to imagine yourself back together with him?

You may start off feeling that it would be just sex, nothing else. But your mind and your heart do funny things, especially when it comes to sex... and even more so when it's very good sex.

I would definitely not consider it if he was an ex that I had loved, been with for a long time. If it was a fling that lasted a couple of months... maybe.

Only you can know if it's the right thing :) x

my first girlfriend left me for another then came back but just for sex, must say the sex was better (mainly the thought that she was cheating on her new lover for me) but it would never work out. Shit happens when you are 19 I suppose lol

Lifebuoy wrote:

My first thought, MM, was that it was fine to get together with your ex...... just for the joy of it. After all, you had split up and the relationship no longer required honesty and dependability.... it was just about sex.

But, on the other hand, looking at it from a male perspective, your ex would probably be laughing himself to sleep. He treated you badly, you binned him, and now he's getting sex with no commitments. That's a pretty nice reward for behaving badly when you were boyfriend/girlfriend.

So it could be said that, by sleeping with him, you were being a bit weak.

But, I know where you're coming from. A great sex partner is something that doesn't come along every day....

That is a really good point, I didn't look at it like that but now you've mentioned it, it makes a lot of sence.

dotdashdot wrote:

If you felt that you could have sex with him without getting attached then yeah go ahead! But consider, what if he got a girlfriend and said he couldn't sleep with you anymore. Would you be sad? Do you think you'll start to imagine yourself back together with him?

You may start off feeling that it would be just sex, nothing else. But your mind and your heart do funny things, especially when it comes to sex... and even more so when it's very good sex.

I would definitely not consider it if he was an ex that I had loved, been with for a long time. If it was a fling that lasted a couple of months... maybe.

Only you can know if it's the right thing :) x

I don't think I would get reattached to him at all. He has got with sombody else now and it doesn't bother me at all. I wouldn't do anything now he's in a relationship but I was just thinking about if he wasn't because before he did get in one, that's the postion we were in and I was wondering if I had made a mistake or not. I don't have any hope that we would get back together, I only wanted one thing. Hmmmm, I did love him and it took me 2 years to get over him and it was only when we started seeing each other again that I did get over him, like a kind of closure thing, you know, no more what ifs and that.

my ex and i split up in feb id been with him a year ,if he comes back to me id sleep with him again we had the best sex ever .

While my ex and I were divorcing, we shared the same house but different beds. Neither of us had another partner at that stage, and we would have sex occasionally. We had decided we couldn't live together but both had needs. When it happened it was always unplanned, over fairly quickly and not accompanied by post-coital cuddling or affection, just a physical act. Don't think it would have worked long-term.

no, no no and erm no!! My ex used to frequently ask to meet up for sex and I am forever glad that I said no.

In my opinion ex's are ex's for a reason and contact should be kept to a minimum.

Friends with benifits can be superb, but keep it to someone you had a brief fling with, or someone whome you are sure you have moved away from.

Not sure at all if your situation is the best really.

occhiverdi wrote:

no, no no and erm no!! My ex used to frequently ask to meet up for sex and I am forever glad that I said no.

In my opinion ex's are ex's for a reason and contact should be kept to a minimum.
