Virgin Gender Neutral Uniform

Seems like a great progressive idea.

The uniform looks pretty good also.


Also from a business standpoint…only one uniform to keep stock of!

Ah just saw…still two uniforms…I had imagined they’d designed a uniform that works for all! Guess that would be a bit of a push!

Agreed. A nice step in the right direction. Hopefully it will help to normalise it more.

The fact the red uniform is still with heels when your working on a pane seems a little outdated though

Yup my OH works on aircraft and she’s tall…she can’t physically wear heels without having to bend down! But the uniform is heels!


It would be so simple to just have a flats option. And also safer with turbulance

I think it looks great, I like the darker suit with the flats but the red is gorgeous and they all look great in them.

Why has the world become so complicated?

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Eh… looks much the same to me only that they got some guys in the woman’s uniform and one lady in the mens :thinking:

Surely this is a step to making things less complicated.

I mean everything used to be either or, black or white…now there are too many shades of grey or things to consider.

All those shades of grey are people that are feeling so much better about themselves because they are free to be who they are.
I think its beautiful :black_heart:


@JoCat . I dont discriminate against anyone.
I just find society in general is trying its self up in knots, accommodating every permutation of peoples makeup.
I watched an episode of Naked attraction recently. A biological woman was on , that identified as a bisexual male.
What ???
If that isnt complicated, i dont know what is.?

Its only complicated because you’re fighting it. The person identifies as male and is sexually attracted to men and women so that makes them bisexual :tipping_hand_man:t2:

She identified as a male , that was atrracted to men and women… im sure there will be other variations out there.
I just dont think every variable can be legislated for .
Ill leave it there , or im just going to get myself in to trouble.

Yup same.