
I have the Desire, Mantric and LHs version, the Mon Ami wand and they’re all really nice. The Desire is my favourite, then the Mantric, purely bc the Mon Ami wand is a bit more buzzy. Its still rumbly but with a hint of buzz so I’ll only use that when I’m more warmed up otherwise its a bit painful.

Power and type of vibration would be the main things to look out for, does she like intense power and does she prefer a rumbly or a buzzy vibe. I prefer low power and rumbles, if she wants high power and buzz then the LH mains wand is good for that, I know people like the Doxy too but I’m not sure if thats rumbles or buzz.


She said ‘INTENSE’… very quickly !!!

Look at this one I actually have this one too and to be honest it’s going to get chucked as soon as I remember to dig it out of the drawer and check if I can put it in my recycling bin. This one is intense and buzzy, for me. After a period of no touching following a break up, I pulled this out and almost immediately turned it off bc it was so intense that it hurt. I don’t like this wand for that reason, bc my bits are shy and sensitive, so she might love it. Check out the reviews, if you’re planning on using the 50% off code, it ends at midnight.

Thanks… Its on order with 50% off… Yay