Wet dreams/handsfree ejaculation

Never had a wet dream, I think I'm missing out on a good thing LET me know

now i definitely feel like i have missed out on something. i often abstain because i love edging. I once abstained from cumming for lent 40 days and 40 nights. i was ridiculously horny by the end of it but still have never had a wet dream (that i am aware of lol)

My husband is late 30's and gets a wet dream quite frequently. He says he used to get these before in his teens but then they stopped. For the last year he has been taking medication with a side effect that has really reduced his urge to masturbate dramatically and it seems he gets a wet dreams more often again now as he rarely masturbates.

I still have them occasionally, normally when in a dry spell. Generally very pleasurable experiences that I'd rather not finish, but I do recall a very weird wet dream that wasn't particularly sexual.

Sorry - I'm 38 too, so not just a teen thing for me by any means

No wet dreams for me since puberty, sadly!

I have many dreams, mostly very vivid and some quite disturbing (in a non-sexual way) - no idea why - but very rarely sexual, unfortunately.

I guess I don't have wet dreams because we have such a great sex life and I masturbate daily... It would be nice though!

Yeh still get them I’m young but :)

bit weird waking up wen ur cummin lol

I've only had a wet dream maybe three times in my life. Always when I've gone without sex/masturbating for an extended period.

Personally, I don't remember there being anything pleasurable about it. The dreams were weird ones, full of the strange cravings of the unconscious mind. ![](upload://rA41UoqYzU9yrgGiJUyzuRc98GV.gif)

I'd much rather have an orgasm that I'm awake for.

Only ever had two or three in my early twenties, the only dream I can remember was sticking my tongue into a very sweet pussy of my girlfriends sister.

I can still remember the taste and smell of her pussy in the dream.

I wonder if now thinking about this experience nearly Fourty years later might trigger something

Not for 20 years.

Never had a single one 😢 and I’m approaching 30. To be fair I’m not one to ejaculate easily with stimulation so I’m not surprised I can’t do it without.

Since becoming single I have been having alot more some wet dreams and some dry dreams feels like I had a orgasm but when I wake up the sheet is dry.

I'm not surprised that I'm getting them even more as my mind is so active plus i have still been kinky wearing different clothing I definitely need a good shag lol

Not for a while but after we had children there were some dry spells and this led to a couple

Yes still have them once every 4-6 weeks too. It's a messy business!

I always assumed men had wet dreams frequently. Any women on here have wet dreams.