What are YOU contemplating purchasing next?

I’m not even contemplating this. I’m sold!




Let us know what you think! That one looks good :drooling_face: although probably too long for me

My basket is currently around £200 … Help!

There’s so many things I really want:



Tell us how it is, i like the look but it is very big.
:wolf: hope its a good one :crescent_moon:


Looks like you may need a 2nd job to keep you fully stocked :joy:


@Craig1234 yup - I’m currently looking for my 2nd job :joy:


Every single thing on that list looks epic! There must be a code you can use to reduce the overall price?


Yes I do have a code - it’s still a fair amount but soooooo worth it.
Just trying to reason with the hubby :thinking: Hmmm - how do I make him give in :crazy_face:


I agree, I would order them and then do a show with him where you are showing off all your new outfits. From a mans perspective his jaw will drop to the floor

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I’ve got my eye on these three stainless steel dildos: hoop / arch / bow. Those bumps and ridges look so good, then combined with the weight :eyes: They only have three reviews between the three of them, but great reviews @Mint-Monster and @Calie !

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Ooh that looks good hope you enjoy

Not sure as yet but want something new and sexy for me and OH for our trip later this year

Has anyone tried this flogger? How is it to use? Is it weighty?

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I just got it @Green_Eyed_Girl :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: In comparison to the dominix flogger with the steel handle I have it isn’t very weighty (obviously the handle, but the tassels are thinner on this one as well), more on the medium-light side :sweat_smile: It’s also not as stiff as it looks in the pictures :sweat_smile: I haven’t gotten to use it yet though :sweat_smile: I’d say good on sale but not full price :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Trying to buy my first impact toy and im not really sure where to start :sweat_smile: . im using it solo, so getting the weight behind the swing isnt easy so i was looking for something that will give a decent sting with less effort. Any suggestions? I was thinking floggers, but im open to paddles too

um, daft suggestion but someone suggested it to me… If you don’t know whether to go for a paddle or flogger - you could try using some common household objects such as a spatula from the kitchen to see if you like the shape :rofl: :rofl: :flushed: I feel stupid even suggesting it :woman_facepalming:


I second @Kitty-Cat01, try to figure out what type of impact you like first :blush: I love the look of floggers and have a few, but our trusty paddle is my favorite (hoping to get a silicone one for our anniversary for shower spanks :smirk:) I think the DOMINIX flogger with the steel dildo is good as the weight of the handle actually makes it easier to get a good swing and the fronds are a bit thicker than the one you were looking at which also helps :blush: If you’re looking for a good sting then I’d say go for a silicone one (either paddle or flogger) as those tend to provide more of a sting (though as a result they are typically marketed towards more experienced users :sweat_smile:) :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Thanks @Kitty-Cat01 @rosiedosie super advice. Will have to purloin a spatula and have a go. Right now the flogger is more appealing to me, i love the sensation play it offers (that kind of thing is always a hit with me) but i know people recommend paddles as a good jumping off point so :woman_shrugging:
Waiting for an empty house and having a bit of an experiment seems sensible


EVERYTHING that @Green_Eyed_Girl posts in the ‘What’s New’ topic. You gotta stop right now girl!


They’ve had some excellent new stock recently. I have a long wishlist too :laughing: