What are you opinions

Michael Douglas had said that oral sex gave him throat cancer, (I'm assuming that was giving and not receiving)

What are your thoughts on this?

I think that if oral sex was linked to cancer the links would have been discovered years ago!

There have been connections made with this. I learned about it when I did my A-Levels and I am currently teaching STIs to my Year 8s so it's something I've read about recently. http://www.nhs.uk/Livewell/STIs/Pages/oral-sex-and-cancer.aspx

Although it isn't common, it can occur. I remember seeing a program on bbc 3 about it. http://scienceblog.cancerresearchuk.org/2011/01/10/bbc-three-documentary-on-oral-sex-and-cancer/

I rembember hearing about it when the HPV vaccine first came out as I remember there being an argument that men should be entitled to the vaccine (or something similar) due to the risk of oral cancer. I haven't worded that right but I'm sure something like that was said.

Unfortunately, he isn't making it up but he certainly hasn't gone about telling people in the right way!

Hope this helps =)

Ork wrote:

Cancer? Didn't you hear, existing gives you cancer :P

lol! Yes, I think I've seen that somewhere before

SBB! I read that very interesting! I've never thought it could potentially give you cancer, STD's and everything yeah.

If you manage to find the documentary online FA, It's worth a watch, very interesting!