What did i ever do without this site?

Lovehoney is the reason i decided to go for it and finally explore my own body and what my likes and dislikes were, they have incredible offers, an unbeatable customer service and a super friendly community and i owe them every pleasureable feeling i have here on in!

The only downside, totally not love honeys fault, is the realisation those cool metal balls which jingled that i played with as a kid, were ben wa balls, and they may well have been used in a completely different way than just shaking them about by my mother :P

Lol, think we've all had moments like that involving our parents.

I agree with you that lovehoney is amazing :) I've only been buying and coming on the forums for a few weeks, have already spent far too much, but it's been worth every penny because it's really spiced things up at home. Which is all good.

I'm glad you are enjoying it here too, long may the pleasure continue ;) x

I've just made my 5th order in less than 2 weeks!

I just keep telling myself that once I'm well stocked I won't buy so much, but I think deep down I know something will always catch my eye, lol.

Postie has just delivered todays parcel :) yesterdays deal of the day and remote control love egg. Just have to wait for my little one to have a nap and I can have a little experiment.

Couldn't really afford it myself amanda, but then again, its the only none bill expense i'm allowing myself, and its for a good cause so, why not :) Plus got the free bullet in the deal of the week, is what swayed me.

Lovehoney has become a sort of addiction... if i'm not reviewing products, i'm not happy. Lord, I spent £120 yesterday on a new toy just because it was new.. haha! But it is such a great place here, and I think they have really helped people realise that good sexual freedom is nothing to be ashamed of.

I agree with David - Lovehoney are such a great company and they really do help people to explore there sexual side without ever feeling judged or embarrassed. What did we ever do before LH - lol :) xx

Do you remember how small those balls were VA?

They might, just maybe, have been baoding balls not ben wa.


If you grew up in the 70`s those balls may have been `Clackers` ;-)

they were metal, about, 4.5 inch circumference i'd say? in an oriental style fabric covered box. My dad used to hold them and swish them round in his hand, but they definitely had weighted ballsthat moved around on the insides of them. It's not a massive deal, i came out of there anyway so if she used them internally it's no great shakes.

Maybe not ben wa balls then :) not that i'd mind if they were, obviously did me no harm :)

Im so skint at the moment but iv still placed an order of £60 that should arrive tomorrow , but to be fair i hadnt ordered the month before!

I'm trying to save up for a car but can't resist spending £50 on lovehoney haha :D they're the best!! Xx

I always find reading posts like this very uplifting. It really does make you feel good knowing that in some small way you may be helping improve others lives without even knowing it just by sharing your thoughts and experiences with others.

I recently found out one of my best friends is pregnant and the time they got pregnant was just after I had given them some gifts from here, made us chuckle when we worked out that I might have had a hand in making their baby lol !

The chinese therapy balls are used for people with arthritis too, my mum had some and our old dog used to love chasing them around the house making them chime, it was so cute to watch :)

I really do have no money, but there are a few things being discontinued that I really NEED!

VirginAngel wrote:

they were metal, about, 4.5 inch circumference i'd say? in an oriental style fabric covered box. My dad used to hold them and swish them round in his hand, but they definitely had weighted ballsthat moved around on the insides of them. It's not a massive deal, i came out of there anyway so if she used them internally it's no great shakes.

Yep. Sounds just like medicine balls. Classic ben wa balls will be smaller and often in a clear plastic box. I've never seen metal ben wa's at 4.5".

I picked some baodings at a charity shop not too long ago and one of my first thoughts on getting them home was 'I wonder if they'll fit...'

But imagine that rattle, chiming everywhere you go.

Lovehoney - Stephanie wrote:

It reminds me of a story I heard about one woman and her mooncup though, it kept disappearing and her young son was stealing it away to use it as a turret for his castle! Haha

Kids are the best invention EVER.