What is everyone looking forward to?

I'm looking forward to...

My birthday party next weekend. Decidede on a 'bad taste' theme, and everyone's dressing up. I know one of my friends is planning to go as 'an abortion', the OH is wearing a wig and mayonnaise-stained dress as Monica Lewinsky. Let's just say my outfit involves lots of khaki, lots of fake blood, and a toy stingray.

Ooh, and also looking forward to a '50s-themed ball next month. I first started seeing the OH about a month too late to go to my proper end-of-6th-form prom, so it'll be the first prom/ball-style event we've ever attended, and the first proper formal event we've been to in aaages. Plus I get to endlessly, indecisively browse through page after page of gorgeous 50s-style dresses and accessories. External Media


I'm looking forward to cuddles in bed with my WandA tonight!


The end of this week and I never work a nightshift again! Hoo-bloody-ray. The money is fantastic but fuck me you have no life or decent sleep. Couldn't give a shit about the dosh, give me my bed and sanity any day. Looking forward to our holiday this year and my sisters little fella walking! Looking forward to getting back into the garden big time.

I'm lookin forward to getting a job and being useful for a change lol!

i'm looking forward to the boat show tomorrow

Doug wrote:

i'm looking forward to the boat show tomorrow External Media

or today even

Aye aye captain! I'm sure there's a boat show in Liverpools Albert Dock soon Doug. I was thinking of going to take some photographs of the event. Never been to one before.
Hey DD! According to KP you're very useful mate! :-p

I am looking forward to getting my baby back at 2pm :(

I'm looking forward to a year of hard work - sounds stupid but looking forward to getting my house deposit this year :)

looking forward to the future with my OH

the cruise I'm going on with my family

possibility of a holiday with my girls

possibility of having the chance to study in china for 3 weeks (find out on 28th Jan)


Shopping in Manchester tomorrow! Not that I havent done enough shopping recently or anything....ah well - what else is an academic sholarship for! :P

looking forward to becoming a grandad this year

looking forward to becoming a grandad this year

was worth telling you twice ha ha ha

lickmadick wrote:

looking forward to becoming a grandad this year

ooh that will be nice, all the fun and none of the stresses (or so they tell me).

we hope so and you can also give em back when you've had the fun bit

lickmadick wrote:

we hope so and you can also give em back when you've had the fun bit

thats what I hear, sounds great, only another 15-20yrs if I'm lucky lols

LoveHoney - Hella Rouge wrote:

I'm looking forward to going home and going straight to bed. I'm sleeeeeeepy now. -_-

I'm tired to, must be the swimming from this morning and the stress headache that kept me awake last night

Im looking forward to my mum and dad to start having daniel over night without us being there with him

ooh sounds like this could be your ticket to fun you lucky peeps

lickmadick wrote:

ooh sounds like this could be your ticket to fun you lucky peeps

yeah hope so lol External Media