What is the most off putting thing you have heard whilst having sex?

My partner asking what I'm cooking for tea later..... obviously thinking about his stomach during sex. I laugh now when I think back though LOL

The snapping of a bed slat!

One more from me, when the smell of his fart fills the room.

When I was MUCH younger in the middle of the afternoon while having sex in my girlfriends parents livingroom and her her parents car pull into the driveway . I was damn pround that we were both properly dress , sitting in two chairs watching TV when they walked in .

My ex partners mother accusing his father of fancying me in the next bedroom...very offputting indeed...😱

being caught in the doggy style in a hotel bedroom

I knew a guy that was screwing this girl and he told me that he had to put the light on to make sure that she was still there. Nothing I could do but laugh when he told me

Dad! Are you and mummy wrestling?

Hello grandad

Her husband coming in Chambermaids Sometime wanting to use the work conference room

I seem to be on a “resurrecting old threads” kick today… :blush:

It was the mid 1980s. Having watched a fairly steamy movie on TV, we were all over each other. The telly was still switched on - news headlines, but we were oblivious …until they cut to a speech by Margaret Thatcher.

Uuurrrgghhh. :face_vomiting:

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